Do some some tips for this week. So, this week we are looking at Grand and middle range nursing series and the purpose of this week is I want you to look specifically at a nursing theory.00:40If you’re using a nursing theory for what you did your concept map over your concept analysis, I would like for you to find a different theory and analyze a different nursing theory.00:56But it does need to be a nursing theory and it can be a grand theory or it can be a mid range theory doesn’t, it doesn’t matter.01:06The reading assignment this week is from the Allah good text and it’s going to give you some information on lots and lots of theories01:16It’s going to talk about what some of those components of those theories are, however, this would be a secondary source. So while you may sign the alley good reference. It is not a substitution for01:33The nursing theorists it sale, you should find the original work of that theorist, it may be in a book. It could be an article01:43There are certainly resources online, you may have to dig, especially if it’s, if it’s a nursing theory that’s not well known.01:56Or was developed in the 40s, 50s or 60s, some of that work may not be available, except in a textbook somewhere. And if that’s all you can find. And that’s all you can find02:10But I do want you to make a concerted effort to find02:15That original work that the reason that the researcher, the nursing theorists wrote in her in either a book or an article. So for Florence Nightingale.02:26If you pick night in jail. I would expect to see the notes on nursing, which was her book that she wrote in the 1800s, it has been republished more recently and I think you can actually find that online.02:45The micro lecture kind of talks about02:49Doing Doing this assignment that I wanted wanted to talk specifically more about specific section of this. And so as we look, look at the origins of the theory. Let me see my share, different, different view.03:19Talk about the origins of the theory, this is basically the development of it and I’ve used different theories in this in this little piece of work that I’ve kind of put together tonight.03:33So don’t don’t get confused because I’m talking about dinner in one paragraph and then I’m talking about Mercer and another paragraph and then another theorist in a totally different paragraph. But again, these, these would be the premise of your03:52Notes for your PowerPoint presentation. So, don’t, don’t freak out. Usually when I do a PowerPoint presentation.04:00I do my writing first on a paper and then I will take these pieces and then copy cut and paste it into my PowerPoint in my speaker notes and then build my slide based on based on the content.04:14So again, when we talk about the origins of the theory, which is what the first criteria, talk about04:22Why the theory was developed what problems were, were they looking at, and in the case of Patricia Benner,04:29She was looking for a theory to support skill competency in nursing and in her search for a theory. She came across that Dreyfus model of skill acquisition and then she used theory derivation04:44Taking that Dreyfus model and then applying it to the nursing setting. So essentially, that’s what we’re talking about the origins of the theory.04:54Meaning as a theory. And this is the meaning. What does it mean to you and then you need to provide some citations within this so for example I use Mercer’s theory on becoming a mother.05:10It has several meanings to me, and in this section you can use first person and use the word me or I that that’s going to be totally acceptable here.heather fenton06:32OK, so my sound is disconnecting. As always, so I had to log back in so apologize about that. So I06:43Don’t know where I was. Let’s see.06:47Our back back to some of the components that we talked about the meaning and the theory. I think the other ones are pretty much06:57self explanatory, but the one that most students get07:03Confused, or maybe misunderstand this is generalize ability. What is it that I want to see. So under generalize ability. We know that we need to define it. First of all, what is it, and07:18I use pellet back. That’s my my go to text when I’m talking about about research in theory things and definitions that generalize ability is the ability of that theory to be used in multiple settings and populations.07:34And for this example, I’m using the theory of caring and these are completely made up citations.07:45So don’t go expect to find if you’re if you’re thinking, okay, I want to use this Barnes and Noble07:52Okay cafe and now say, okay, so you get the picture. It’s made up. But this is what it would look like if you were using real citations and what what it is that I’m going to demonstrate here so08:09That there is caring is a universal theory that can be used in almost all areas of nursing, because the role of the nurse is to care.08:17And then I cited that and then I’m going to provide some examples. So, it is the news does a framework in intensive care setting and I gave one three. There’s three different authors there that have used as intensive care. So you don’t have to tell me here.08:36All the information just find a research study that has used it in a different setting inside the author, he might, he might have found two or three, you might have only found one. That’s fine. Just give me a representative sample of where this has been used08:56And I go on to say the emergency department I provide two authors that used it in their study home hail.09:03And they have family one steady pediatric so I may have found, I found two studies here supposedly09:10And then in nursing education. I found a couple and then I go a step further and say the theories also been used worldwide in in various populations.09:20For example, in China studying congestive heart failure and the elderly and I cited Australia in a study that says this on school aged children with obesity and sided09:32And Nigeria in a qualitative study of new nurses carrying experiences with dying patient09:39And sided. So basically, what I’m saying is that the theory of caring is extremely universal and here’s why. These are all the studies that are his pants. That’s all that’s needed here. You don’t have to go into a detail by detail of what these studies are09:57Now if I wish writing about Mercer’s theory on becoming a mother.10:03Is very generalizable because it’s going to be used specifically in a population of10:12Pregnant women who have given birth, period. So it’s not going to be applicable to all women.10:23Only two women who are giving birth. It’s not going to be applicable to man, obviously. So this series, not very generalized them all, it’s going to have a very, very specific and narrow go10:39To population of set and setting of where where they can use it.10:45So, that that is what is meant by generalize ability10:54Let me, let me look now go back to the11:06Logical adequate adequacy. I’m going to step up above. Just look at the structure of the concepts and visit this, does it make sense when they’re playing together. And so he’s citations.11:18The test stability is a theory and then tips on how this theory might be tested in your practice settings. So we’re talking about Test, test stability.11:30That’s basically how do you operationalize it. So if it’s a theory of caring. There’s lots of survey tools that are out there that you could use to11:45gather data in and collect information on11:50Specific concepts within that theory of caring and11:58He wanted to do a qualitative study and tested through a qualitative study, then you’re looking at probably focus groups or12:10semi structured, or maybe structured interviews with people and doing thematic analysis. So that’s, that’s how we would test. So you basically have two ways you can you can test quantitatively through surveys experimentation.12:31Questionnaires12:34Anything, any, any type of data that can be represented numerically. So a liker scale.12:47Tasks.12:48Were written tasks, multiple choice test those things would be quantitatively tested qualitative testing again.12:59Back to your you’re looking at the experiences within that phenomena, the concept13:06So you look at, again, you would have focused interviews you would record the session session and then you would look for the common things that were shared. So that’s what the tip of the looking is now I want to go back to the PowerPoint.13:23And just let me make sure that I’m sharing the PowerPoint. So, for13:31For those of you that have never done a PowerPoint before13:37Usually when you open up your PowerPoint PowerPoint. This is what you get. You just get your slide and then where you type into it. But to get to your notes page, you can take your mouse hover down here on this line.13:51See where the arrow changes and then you pull up on it with your mouth in. So this is where your speaker notes, go and that’s why I’m saying it’s much easier to14:03Write your paper first and then copy cut and paste this information into into your notes page and then start building your start building your slide and14:19I can’t generalize ability. I don’t know why I picked it I just copied cut and paste it. And then I started formatting. So here’s, here’s our title.14:31There’s my first statement that I said theory of curing universal because the role of the nurse is to care. And then I start putting in here where intensive care emergency room. I’ve got home health so I can do home health here.14:47I’ve also got p the ass trick.14:52And nurse for this slide, it would be nursing education. You don’t want to put too much on slide you want to do what we call the seven by seven room and no more than seven bullet points and no more than seven words per line, not including your citation and then they get these15:16Back at so home half. Let me show you what of them here. So home hail is Bickford so I just copy this and put this there they. I’m going to take out the semi colon that then I’m going to make this smaller, I’m going to make this a two point15:38And that’s typically how you do your citations on on a slide.Unknown Speaker15:45pediatrics.heather fenton15:53Long and long16:01And then change that to 18 points and then nursing education.16:08And then I would do a totally different slide on on the location, the population and the setting that this particular theory was used for16:26Now, you might want to add interest to your slide again, those who have not, you can do at the time, you can add16:35You can put a background to it.16:45But it’s changed things around the bottom like this. So let’s, let’s do this. They have that one, that one looks okay but then again at your font and gets kind of kind of small, but you want to be able to16:57See if she wants to be able to see. So let’s go in and change that to17:18Smaller17:25Wanted to move these over you’ve got this little icon right there. That was those Ender there and I don’t want17:37You can play with it, fix that for you to do I don’t let them take something like that five food.17:45That flies and then it reverts back to my team because this17:53may spread that out a little bit. Okay, so you can you get the picture of ahead of the slides now.18:22So again, additional tips I’ve got on here have a one paragraph introduction and a one paragraph conclusion and my, my suggestion is always in your paragraph your introduction paragraph.18:38Just talk about what the paper is going to be over talk about you know theory Nursing. Nursing theory grand, grand theory that you’re using a middle range theory that you’re using.18:50And then say you’re going to do a theory analysis in the following is a discussion of your theory analysis and then your level headings. You should have six level heading.19:06Level one headings. It’s going to be the origins, meaning logical adequacy usefulness generalize ability and test stability and then a conclusion, your conclusions also going to be a level one heading.19:19And each section of your paper should have citations in it. And although I didn’t find anything on my example of the origins of the theory.19:31You do need to have citations in every single section of your paper. Every citation should have a reference and every reference, you should have a citation.19:45For this paper. Do not use any website, unless it was an article which was published in a journal. I know.19:54There’s several online journals of nursing. Those are appropriate to use, but under no circumstances. Use that nursing website or a nether website to get your information. This should come from.20:15Empirical research, which is20:19Basically quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods studies and I’ve got on here. Do not use the meta analysis and synthesis review the literature concept analysis evidence based practice projects or CQ I projects, you have to use MSM your usefulness area.20:42We need to have at least three empirical studies that have used that theory to support their research funding, Mom. The on the generalize ability need20:56that someone’s going to come from research studies, you can’t you can’t get generalize ability off of a meta analysis or medicine sepsis. So you empirical research study21:09And21:12The grading grading for may want to talk about last week and what we do the test Sunday night and21:23I doubt that I’ll be doing integrating tomorrow, hopefully I’ll get it to those probably on Wednesday. I’ll start grading those on Wednesday.21:33I look to have those back. Hopefully by Friday night or Saturday morning. So when you think station, I will get back to you have any questions on this. You can hold off on until till Wednesday evening. I think I’ll be I’ll be have clarity back21:54Wednesday to answer questions. So, hit me up Wednesday night if I don’t mean to you on Wednesday. I’ll, I’ll get to you on Thursday.22:04And I think that’s it and have a good week and we’ll talk soon.**********************PART 2*********************Assignment: Nursing Theory Scholarly PaperSelect a grand theory or a middle range theory of nursing and perform a theory analysis.The steps for theory analysisIdentify the origins of the theory.  Tip – find the original publication of the theory by the theorist.  (For example- Nightingale’s theory- Notes on Nursing would be the expected publication) cite your information.Examine the meaning of the theory.  Tip – Describe what this theory means to you.  What is your concept of interest?  How does the concept relate to your current practice setting or future practice setting in your role?) Use citations here to support your ideas.Analyze the logical adequacy of the theory.  Tip –  look at the logical structure of the concepts and statements independent of their meaning.  Do they make sense when placed together?) Use citations.Determine the usefulness of the theory.  Tips- find at least three empirical studies [research studies – quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods] that have used the theory to support their research. Do not use meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, review of literature, concept analysis, EBP projects, or CQI project).   Use citations.Define the degree of generalizability.  Tips- Discuss if this theory can be used in either specific settings or is universal–can be used across settings or a variety of nursing disciplines).  Use citations.Determine the testability of the theory.  Tips- how might this theory be tested in your practice setting) Use citations.Additional tips of success:  Have a one paragraph introduction and a one paragraph conclusion for your paper.  Use level 1 headings (bold and centered for items 1-6 above) Cite each section of the paper.DO NOT USE the nursing website or any other website unless it is an article which has been published.Please see the rubric for this assignment for more details on how the assignment will be graded.PART 3……………Select a grand theory or a middle range theory of nursing and perform a theory analysis.The steps for theory analysisIdentify the origins of the theory.  Tip – find the original publication of the theory by the theorist.  (For example- Nightingale’s theory- Notes on Nursing would be the expected publication) cite your information.Examine the meaning of the theory.  Tip – Describe what this theory means to you.  What is your concept of interest?  How does the concept relate to your current practice setting or future practice setting in your role?) Use citations here to support your ideas.Analyze the logical adequacy of the theory.  Tip –  look at the logical structure of the concepts and statements independent of their meaning.  Do they make sense when placed together?) Use citations.Determine the usefulness of the theory.  Tips- find at least three empirical studies [research studies – quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods] that have used the theory to support their research. Do not use meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, review of literature, concept analysis, EBP projects, or CQI project).   Use citations.Define the degree of generalizability.  Tips- Discuss if this theory can be used in either specific settings or is universal–can be used across settings or a variety of nursing disciplines).  Use citations.Determine the testability of the theory.  Tips- how might this theory be tested in your practice setting) Use citations.Additional tips of success:  Have a one paragraph introduction and a one paragraph conclusion for your paper.  Use level 1 headings (bold and centered for items 1-6 above) Cite each section of the paper.DO NOT USE the nursing website or any other website unless it is an article which has been published.Please see the rubric for this assignment for more details on how the assignment will be graded.This activity addresses SLO #2, 4, and 5By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.Criteria.1.Requirements met for the Assignment28.5 (28.50%) – 30 (30.00%)The work submitted exceeds the requirements of this assignment which includes a title page, an introduction and conclusion and address of the criteria of the assignment. The content is well developed, substantive, and each section of the criteria is supported with citations.2.Demonstration Understanding the Materials38 (38.00%) – 40 (40.00%)The work submitted accurately represents the readings and the literature on the topic. Claims presented by the student are clear and accurate and are supported with citations. There are no misunderstandings of the material presented.3. Clear and Compelling Writing19 (19.00%) – 20 (20.00%)The paper is well organized, cohesive, and has solid argumentation. Headings are used which reflect the stated criteria. Paragraph and sentence structure flow in a logical sequence.4. Mechanics, Usage, and APA9.5 (9.50%) – 10 (10.00%)No errors please. ThanksHenry.Hello!Attached please find the PowerPoint presentation for this week’s assignment.In regards, JUST ATTACHED ON ATTACHMENTHenry D.CHOICE 1Madeleine Leininger is a nursing theorist who developed the Transcultural Nursing Theory or Culture Care Nursing Theory. Get to know Madeleine Leininger’s biography, theory application and its major concepts in this nursing theory study guide.  Madeleine Leininger (July 13, 1925 – August 10, 2012) was an internationally known educator, author, theorist, administrator, researcher, consultant, public speaker and the developer of the concept of transcultural nursing that has a great impact on how to deal with patients of different culture and cultural background.She is a Certified Transcultural Nurse, a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing in Australia, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Her theory is now a nursing discipline that is an integral part of how nurses practice in the healthcare field today.Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing TheoryThe Transcultural Nursing Theory or Culture Care Theory by Madeleine Leininger involves knowing and understanding different cultures with respect to nursing and health-illness caring practices, beliefs and values with the goal to provide meaningful and efficacious nursing care services to people according to their cultural values and health-illness context.It focuses on the fact that different cultures have different caring behaviors and different health and illness values, beliefs, and patterns of behaviors.The cultural care worldview flows into knowledge about individuals, families, groups, communities, and institutions in diverse health care systems. This knowledge provides culturally specific meanings and expressions in relation to care and health. The next focus is on the generic or folk system, professional care system(s), and nursing care. Information about these systems includes the characteristics and the specific care features of each. This information allows for the identification of similarities and differences or cultural care universality and cultural care diversity.Thanks.CHOICE 2***Cornelia M. Ruland and Shirley M. MoorePeaceful End-of-Life TheoryThe focus was not on death itself, but on providing a peaceful and meaningful living in the time that remained for patients and their significant others.The purpose was to reflect the complexity involved in caring for terminally ill patientsCHOICE 3Merle H. MishelUncertainty in Illness TheoryPresents a comprehensive structure within which to view the experience of acute and chronic illness and to organize nursing interventions to promote optimal adjustment.Describes how individuals form meaning from illness-related situations.The original theory’s concepts were organized in a linear model around the following three major themes: Antecedents of uncertainty, Process of uncertainty appraisal, and Coping with uncertainty.

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