Denial of Service Research Assignment

Unlimited Attempts AllowedDetailsBotnet AttacksIn addition to the module on Denial of service, perform additional research on 3 of the largest Botnet attacks ever.Research Presentation:For this assignment, prepare an 8-10PowerPoint slide presentationusing independent research of the 3 attacks and prepare this to be given in front of the CIO and CISO as you help prepare them to try to mitigate such an attack against your organizationAs you research for this assignment, describe:What is a botnet, how are they created, how is software spread and what additional uses do they serve?What makes these types of attacks so damaging and difficult to contain in each of the 3 different attacks?How did each of the victims respond to the attack? Any lasting effects?What are some of the lessons learned from botnet attacks that other companies can put in place?*Include a cover slide, introductory slide, conclusion slide, and references slide. All of these slides will not count in your required total of slides.Due SundayA reminder about graduate-level learning:Graduate-level student learning will involve more of a focus on “diving in deeper” to the content. Expanding on the initial topic includes both written and oral presentation on the field of study experience, in combination with independent research and course content, will be essential elements of your graduate studies.To have an experience isn’t enough to establish learning – you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience, considering what you learned from it in order to take something away from it!View RubricResearch Assignment Rubric IIResearch Assignment Rubric IICriteriaRatingsPtsProfessional Assignment or Presentationview longer description2 ptsExcellent1 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 2 ptsStrong Introductionview longer description3 ptsExcellent2 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 3 ptsQuality of Responseview longer description10 ptsExcellent8 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 10 ptsResearch and Expansion of the Topicview longer description10 ptsExcellent8 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 10 ptsConclusions and Action Plansview longer description3 ptsExcellent2 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 3 ptsReferencesview longer description2 ptsExcellent1 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 2 ptsTotal Points: 0Choose a submission typeSubmission type Upload, currently selectedUploadMore submission optionsMoreSubmit file using Webcam PhotoWebcam PhotoSubmit file using Canvas FilesCanvas Filesor Drag a file here, or click to select a file to uploadDrag a file here, orChoose a file to uploadPrevious ModulePreviousSubmit AssignmentNext ModuleNext

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