Please Answer All 3 If Possible

A.The Uptown Kiln is an importer of ceramics from overseas. It hasarranged to purchase a particular type of ceramic pottery from aKorean artisan. The artisan makes the pottery in 120-unit batches andwill ship only that exact amount. The transportation and handling costof a shipment is $7,600 (not including the unit cost). The uptown Kilnestimates its annual demand to be 900 units. What storage andhandling cost per unit does it need to achieve in order to minimize itsinventory cost?B.The I-75 Carpet Discount Store has an annual demand of 10,000 yardsof Super Shag carpet. The annual carrying cost for a yard of thiscarpet is $0.75, and the ordering cost is $150. The carpet manufacturer normally charges the store $8 per yard for the carpet; however,the manufacturer has offereda discount price of $6.50 per yard if the store will order 5,000 yards. How much should the store order, and what will be the total annual inventory cost forthat order quantity?C. The bookstore at State University purchases sweatshirts emblazonedwith the school name and logo form a vendor. The vendor sells thesweatshirts to the store for $38.00 apiece. The cost to the bookstorefor placing an order is $120.00, and the carrying cost is 25% of the price paid per shirtThe bookstore manager estimates that 1,700 sweatshirts will be soldduring the year. The vendor has offered the bookstore the following volumediscount schedule.Order Size                                              Discount %1-299                                     0300-499                                 3500-799                                 5800 +                                     6The bookstore manager wants to determine the bookstores’ optimal orderquantity given the foregoing quantity discount information.

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