Hypothesis Testing-Statistic Homework

Problems 14, 16 (see email for instructions on 14& 16), 17, 20, 22, 34, 35. I also poster the Hypothesis Test Cheat Sheet that the professor gave us. I want them hand written, I will then re-write them on my own, please have clear writing! Show your work as much as possible, he is very careful about it. Such as the steps that are need to be taken during hypothesis testing.Here is the how he wants to see  only #14, #1614. Do NOT do what the book tells you. Instead, use the data from the book for this problem to answer the following three questions.a) Do the men collected in this sample have a different score than the population average on the SAT? Conduct a hypothesis test to test this.b) Do the women collected in this sample have a greater score than the population average on the SAT? Conduct a hypothesis test to test this.c) Do the men and women collected in this sample differ in their SAT scores? Conduct a hypothesis test to test this. (You do not have the information to compute the effect size in part © so don’t worry about it.)HINT: For parts (a) and (b) you will need to compute the relevant standard error yourself. For part (c), the text already gives you the standard error you need.16. Do NOT do what the book tells you. Instead, use the data from the book for this problem to answer the following two questions.a) Past research shows that for the population of high schoolers the average number of cigarettes they smoke is μ = 3.5. Docollege-bound students in this sample smoke more than the general population? Test this with a hypothesis test.b) As in part (a), past research finds high schoolers smoke a mean number of cigarettes, μ = 3.5. Do noncollege-boundstudents in this sample smoke more than the general population? Test this with a hypothesis test.Attention!Although the book does not explicitly ask for it, for all problems you MUST compute an effect size to go along with whatever hypothesis test you perform. That is you must compute Cohen’s d. Remember, there are slightly different versions depending on the type of test you conducted.Unless the problem specifies otherwise, use α = .05Read very carefully to see whether the problem is asking for a directed (= one-tailed) or a non-directed (= two-tailed) hypothesis test. Questions involving directed tests will use word like “more,” “fewer,” “less,” “increased,” and “reduced.”

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