Project 3

Project 3 instructionsBased on Larson & Farber: sections 5.1–5.3Go to the link on the right that says Download to Spreadsheet.  Set the date range to end on 11/19/13 (the beginning of Module/Week 5) and going back exactly 1 year (11/20/12).  Then, click the link on the right that says, “Download to Spreadsheet.” Assume that the closing prices of the stock form a normally distributed data set. (Now will be a good idea to review the definition and properties of a normal distribution on p. 236)Do not manually count values in the data set, but use the ideas found in sections 5.2–5 .3. (You may want to review how to find mean and standard deviation given a data set. It will also help to review how to use Excel to find those quantities. Please refer to the Excel file I posted on DB>>Useful files) Complete this assignment within a single Excel file. Show your work where possible.Answer the following:If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the last year, what is the probability that the stock on that day closed at less than the mean for that year?  Hint: Use the Empirical Rule, do not calculate the mean. The answer is easy.Hint: use property #2 on p. 236- the normal curve is bell-shaped and is symmetric about the mean.2. If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the last year, what is the probability that the stock on that day closed at more than $500?  Hint: Use Excel to find the mean and standard deviation. Then find the z score.Hint: To find that, you will need to find: a) the mean, b) find z score (let’s call it z1) that corresponds to x = 500, c) find P(z z1) = 1 – P(z  

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