Quantitative Reasoning II Project: Calculations and Visuals

Create at least three visuals.One visual must be a scatter plot with trend line, equation, R2 value, and prediction value.Two of the remaining required visuals can be of the following format: histogram, box and whisker plot, or pie chart.Please note that the data set that you chose in Week 2 includes data that will not be needed to create your visuals. Quantitative reasoning requires critical thinking to decide what data is necessary.  Create a Microsoft® Word document that includes your three visuals and the following items:Title of your project and the scenario you are addressingBrief description of each visual (15 to 50 words)Consider including the following for each visual when applicable:A chart title that is appropriate for the dataA descriptive x-axis labelA descriptive y-axis labelFor your xy scatter plot, make at least one prediction using the trend line equation for a date in the future. How confident are you in this prediction? State your prediction and provide justification (50 to 150 words). If you created a box and whisker plot, describe the central tendency of the values. What does this tell you about the data and about your project?Calculate the mean of the sample data.

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