Final Project of Differential Equation: Quantum Mechanical Differential equation solved
Quantum Mechanical Differential equation solvedFinal Project GuidelinesPlease read the instructions below carefully regarding requirements for the final project.The final project must be done independently by you, without seeking help from any other person besides the course instructor. You can use your notes, the textbook and resources from the internet provided no other person is writing the paper for you. Cheating will result in an automatic ‘F’ for the course.The paper must be around 7-8 pages in length (with the references), written in Times, 11 or 12pt font, 1.0 or 1.5 spacing.The paper must be well-organized and include (i) a general introduction to the subject being discussed, (ii) a mathematical section which clearly explains the mathematical equations in detail, (iii) the results of your mathematical analysis which could include showing some calculations by hand, if it is possible, or any other relevant calculations (iv) results from Maple such as graphs – try to do a thorough analysis of your problem to understand what the equation is telling you, (v) a discussion which summarizes the work you have done and points oit new things you may have learned in the process of doing this project.The paper must include a reference section which includes a list of all the articles, websites that have been used. Please also make sure to cite the references in the paper in appropriate places.The topic of the paper can be anything relevant to the course (Differential equations). You may look up the website link provided on canvas under the ‘Final Project’ module for some ideas. You can also use data for the project or use ideas from a paper you may have read. The idea can come from anywhere but the explanation must be your own and you must clearly show me that you understand what you are taking about.PLEASE I NEED A PAPER LIKE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT
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