Help With English Again !!!!!!!!

READ the following essay, paying close attention to the words in bold. You will define the words when you are done reading. If any words are unfamiliar to you, try to figure out what they mean from the words and ideas around them. Using the rest of the text to determine the meaning of new words is called ‘using context

Write what you thought the words in bold meant, from readings of the essay.

ordinance [type here]

efficient [type here]

depot [type here]

establishing [type here]

implementing [type here]

pedestrians [type here]

cyclists [type here]

interference [type here]

significant [type here]

attainable [type here]

Now, look the words up in a dictionary, online search is fine, and enter the definitions here.

ordinance [type here]

efficient [type here]

depot [type here]

establishing [type here]

implementing [type here]

pedestrians [type here]

cyclists [type here]

interference [type here]

significant [type here]

attainable [type here]

And this is the ESSAY, so tell or explain this to me

Community Innovation
By Karma Cher Bergeron
Used by permission of the author.

I moved to Custer, South Dakota the middle of my junior year of high school and fell in love with the Black Hills. I was married there and had three beautiful children. After moving to Spearfish in the Northern Black Hills, I found that this small university community is where my heart was. However, Spearfish could use improvement in the following areas: expanding the city’s current busing system, implementing a city ordinance to include biking paths on the city streets, and finally, for the city to adopt a recycling program.
The current busing system in Spearfish is not adequate, efficient, or easily accessible for all citizens. The current system requires that you call the bus depot a minimum of 24 hours prior to your wanting a ride. The system is set up to pick you up at a certain address and drop you off at a certain address. There are no bus stops or variations to that set schedule. Expanding their hours and establishing some regular bus routes would help not only the college community but also the tourists and the residents of the town.
The college community and tourists would greatly benefit from the city implementing bike paths on the city streets, especially during the summer months. As the town’s population grows during the summer, it brings heavy traffic, both pedestrians and vehicles to the downtown area. Having actual bike paths would decrease the cyclists riding on the sidewalks, which causes interference with the local downtown businesses. Providing better safety for both the cyclists and motorists is also a huge benefit.
Spearfish being one of many tourist attractions means more trash is dumped into the landfills. Implementing a recycling program, especially for the businesses, would have a significant positive impact on the environment and could also lower cost of trash removal for the residents. Implementing this program would also bring more jobs to the city residents. With the large increase of the city population during the tourist season, the landfills are seeing a larger amount of trash being dumped and much of that could be recycled.
Expanding the busing system, adding bike paths to city streets, and implementing a recycling program are all areas that are not only attainable areas of improvement for the city, but are also small goals that the city needs to consider. All three of these ideas could easily be funded with bonds and/or grants for city improvements. These small improvements would increase the attraction quality of the already popular city of Spearfish, thus also increasing the city’s revenue.

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