AC Lab 7

RC Differentiator and RC Integrator


  1. Watch video entitled “Module 7 – RC Differentiator and RC Integrator”
  2. For Laboratory Application Assignment on pgs. 683-684 examine Figs. 22-23 and 22-24.
  3. Perform all required calculations in the following sections:
    • RC Differentiator
    • RC Integrator
  4. Scan all calculations showing all work in a file called “Lab7_Analysis_StudentID”.
  5. Upload file “Lab7_Analysis_StudentID”


  1. Construct the circuits in Figs. 22-23 and 22-24 with MultiSIM
  2. Confirm all calculations in Step 3 with measurements made with MultiSIM
  3. Capture a screenshot of the measurements and waveforms on an oscilloscope and paste into a Word document entitled “Lab7_Simulation_StudentID”
  4. Answer all questions in the following sections in the same document:
    • RC Differentiator
    • RC Integrator

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