Process Improvement

Victor, an IT Director, has chosen you to lead a process improvement effort.However as the effort to introduce ‘DevOps’ to improve your company’s time to get applications into production some people problems have surfaced.Some are resistant, some are anxious, and some are just plain frustrated.You recall from the MIS 412 class that you took there are some methods that can be utilized to address these problems.From slides ‘Change Management 102’ (that are in D2L for session 10 (Hint: SLIDE 11)), and the article “Choosing Strategies for Change” by Kotter and Schlesinger (…), you determine some ways to address these problems:

Question 1 [4 points]: Describe, in your own words, why are people typically frustrated, and how best to help them?

Question 2 [4 points]: Describe, in your own words, why are people typically anxious, and how best to help them?

Question 3 [4 points]:Describe, in your own words, why are people typically confused, and how best to help them?

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