Provide instructor with 300 to 400 words on these four topics
Pretend that you will be conducting a 20-minute interview with your congressman or congresswoman (the person who represents your locality in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington).
The topic of the interview is whether the Affordable Care Act should be repealed. In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of this law, also known as Obamacare. The Supreme Court upheld Obamacareagain in June 2015. But the law remains controversial, and many politicians, especially Republicans, say it should be repealed.
You want to learn such things as the following: How important does your representative believe the health-care issue is? Is he for or against repeal, or perhaps does he want to change the law? Your goal is to pin the congressman down — to get specifics.
Provide your instructor with 300 to 400 words on these four topics:
1. What is the full name of the congressman or congresswoman whom you plan to interview; is he or she a Democrat or Republican; and what geographical area (called a district) does he represent? (You can use the congressional representative for your hometown or the one for Troy; it’s your choice. To learn who your representative is, go to and enter your ZIP code under “Find your representative.”)
2. Where would you look for background information in preparation for your interview?
3. What types of information would you look for in doing background research for your interview? (You will need background on both the issue and the congressman. Each House member has her own Web page, which you can find from the link above; but you will also need information from her critics and from the news media or other impartial sources.)
4. Do enough research to write the first three serious questions you would plan to use in the interview, and list those questions. These questions should be specific enough to elicit newsworthy information, and they should mention some facts that you have learned in your research. (Courtesy questions and conversation starters such as “How are you?” do not count as serious questions.)
The answers should be in a numbered list. You must answer the fourth part with complete sentences. Spell correctly, and use correct grammar. Edit your work carefully.
Note that this is a hypothetical interview. You won’t actually be required to talk to your congressman for this assignment.
Criteria for grading will include the completeness of your background research, the quality of your three questions, and how well you follow directions.
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