1-5 are all separate assignment respond to the following items in 1 Paragraph

  • Why was T. Hall singled out for scrutiny?
  • How did T. Hall’s neighbors respond to the gossip that this person’s sex was unclear?
  • What authority did women claim in assessing the situation?
  • What authority did men claim?
  • What does the struggle to mark T. Hall’s gender identity suggest about the structure of community life and the roles of men and women in colonial America?


  • What concessions are forced upon France by England, the victor, and what does England give in return?
  • How significant a role do New World possessions seem to play in the treaty?
  • What does this document suggest about the European balance of power and the economic philosophy of mercantilism?


  • Compare the backgrounds of Jefferson and Paine; did Paine have an advantage or disadvantage by not being born in the colonies? Explain.
  • Examine the language used in both documents; who is the audience for each writer?
  • Why does Jefferson not discuss slavery in the Declaration?
  • What do Paine and Jefferson say about the monarchy in their respective documents?
  • Why does Jefferson focus more on the king than parliament?


  • Thomas Jefferson wrote this secret message to Congress about the Lewis & Clark expedition in 1803; what does it tell us about Jefferson’s views of westward expansion and Native Americans?
  • What solutions does Jefferson propose to the friction between the fledgling republic and the Indian tribes of the West?
  • What arguments does he use to explain the Lewis & Clark expedition?


  • The Monroe Doctrine became one of the crucial foundations of American foreign policy over the next century; what was the occasion for Monroe’s articulation of this doctrine, and what were the circumstances motivating its adoption?
  • What reasons were used by Monroe to justify this foreign policy pronouncement, and how do they relate to arguments made during the revolutionary and early republic periods?

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