Evergreen unit 3 quiz, writing homework help

For this quiz, please demonstrate your understanding of the following types of writing:

  • Illustration
  • Narration
  • Description
  • Process
  • Definition

In order to demonstrate your understanding, I would like you to make an outline of the following types of paragraphs. You will need to read each paragraph and upload your outline of each paragraph. There are five paragraphs and you may use either Word or Pages to upload your outlines.

Please remember that, for every outline, you should:

  1. Write out the complete topic sentence.
  2. List, in order, the other items requested (they’re different for each paragraph) — and these should be very brief phrases (shorter than a sentence but longer than a few words) that clearly explain the items.

Question 1


Please outline the following paragraph and point out the following items:

  • The topic sentence
  • The examples and details used to support the topic sentence
  • The concluding sentence

“Dreams alone are not enough when it comes to creating the future. As professional life coach Diana Robinson says, “A dream is a goal without legs.” And without legs, that goal is going nowhere. Making dreams come true requires planning and hard work. Gloria Gonzalez is an example. She chose the fashion design curriculum because she liked clothes, and people always admired her style. As she continues through college, however, she will need to master the nuts and bolts of the fashion business. Her abilities will be tested. Can she create under pressure, spot trends, meet tight deadlines, and work her way up? Perhaps she will learn that even brilliant fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent got his first big break, designing for Christian Dior, only after winning a major international design competition. Breaking into the fashion industry is challenging, but that doesn’t mean Gloria should abandon her dream. Instead, she must find a reality-based path to help her turn that dream into goals.”

(Adapted from Constance Staley, Focus on College Success, found in Evergreen 10th edition by Fawcett, page 73.)

Question 2


Please outline the following paragraph and point out the following items:

  • The topic sentence
  • The crisis (conflict, obstacle, or problem the character faces)
  • The events told in the story.
  • The conclusion or resolution to the story

The Cherokee people tell the story of a young boy who has been badly wronged by someone he considered a friend. The boy, hurt and furious, tells his grandfather about the incident. His grandfather nods and replies, “At times, I too have felt hatred for those who do great harm and seem to feel no sorrow about it. But hate wears a person down and does not hurt the enemy. It is like taking poison and wishing the enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times. It is as if two wolves live inside me; they live inside you, too. One wolf is good. He is peaceful, generous, compassionate, and wise. He lives in harmony with all those around him and does not easily take offense. He fights only when it is right to do so. But the other wolf lives in me as well — and in you. He is full of anger, envy, self pity, and pain. The smallest thing infuriates him. He cannot think clearly because his anger is so great, yet that anger changes nothing. Sometimes, it is hard to live with two wolves inside me, for both of them struggle to dominate my spirit.

The boy looked intently into his grandfather’s eyes and asked, “Which wolf wins Grandfather?” The grandfather smiled and said quietly, “The one I feed.”

(Found in Evergreen 10th edition by Fawcett, pages 83-84.)

Question 3


Please outline the following paragraph and point out the following items:

  • The topic sentence
  • The series of images presented
  • The organizational pattern of the images
  • The concluding statement

“On November 27, 1922, when archaeologist Howard Carter unsealed the door to the ancient Egyptian tomb of King Tut, he stared in amazement at the fantstic objects heaped all around him. On his left lay the wrecks of at least four golden chariots. Against the wall on his right sat a gorgeous chest brightly painted wiht hunting and battle scenes. Across from him was a gilded throne with cat=shaped legs, arms like winged serpents, and a back showing King Tut and his queen. Behind the throne rose a tall couch decorated with animal faces that were half hippopotamus and half crocodile. The couch was loaded with more treasures. To the right of the couch, two life-sized statues faced each other like guards. They were black, wore gold skirts and sandals, and had cobras carved on their foreheads. Between them was a second sealed doorway. Carter’s heart beat loudly. Would the mummy of King Tut lie beyond it?”

(Found in Evergreen 10th edition by Fawcett, page 91.)

Question 4


Please outline the following paragraph and point out the following items:

  • The topic sentence
  • The sequence of steps presented
  • The concluding statement

‘Luck is preparation meeting opportunity,’ it has been said, and this is true for a job interview. Careful preparation before an interview is the key to getting the job you want. The first step is to learn all you can about the employer. Read about the company in its brochures or in newspaper and magazine articles. A reference librarian can point you to the best soruces of company information. You can also find company websites and other useful material on the Internet. Second, as you read, think about the ways your talents match the company’s goals. Third, put yourself int he interviewer’s place, and make a list of questions that he or she will probably ask. Employers want to know about your experience, training, and special skills, like foreign languages. Remember, every employer looks for a capable and enthusiastic team player who will help the firm succeed. Fourth, rehearse your answers to the questions out loud. Practice with a friend or a tape recorder until your responses sound well prepared and confident. Finally, select and prepare a professional-looking outfit well in advance to avoid the last-minute panic of a torn hem or stained shirt. When a job candidate has made the effort to prepare, the interviewer is much more likely to be impressed.”

(Found in Evergreen 10th edition by Fawcett, page 100.)

Question 5


Please outline the following paragraph and point out the following items:

  • The topic sentence
  • The examples used to support the definition
  • The concluding statement

A flashbulb memory can be defined as a vivid and long-lasting memory formed at the moment a person experiences a highly emotional event. It is as though a mental flashbulb pops, preserving the moment in great detail. Although flashbulb memories can be personal, they often are triggered by public events. For example, ma older Americans recall exactly what they were doing when they learned that Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941. Time froze as people crowded around thier radios to find out what would happen next. Many more people recall in detail the shocking moment on November 11, 1963, when they heard that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated. Considered the most widely shared flashbulb memory of our time, the image of Kennedy’s death is burned into the minds of people the world over. More recently, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center became a flashbulb memory for millions. Whether they heard the terrible news on their morning commute or were awakened by a panicked voice on the phone telling them to turn on the television, research into memory suggests that they will never forget that day. As these examples show, flashbulb memories mark some of our most permanent and haunting experiences, moments that were scored into our hearts.”

(Found in Evergreen 10th edition by Fawcett, page 114.)

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