DoD Policy , writing homework help

Can anyone help me answer these 30 multiple choice questions?

1 of 30
Executive Order 13526, prescribes a uniform system for safeguarding national security information.

2 of 30
Select the DoD Policy that governs the transmission and transportation of classified information. 
 DoD Directive 5400.1
 DoD Instruction 5200.01
 DoD Directive 2501.1
 DoD Directive 3710.1

3 of 30
Heads of DoD Components are responsible for establishing component specific procedures regarding transmission and transportation of classified material. Select items that must be considered when establishing these procedures.
 Achieve declassification goals
 Aim to minimize the risk of compromise
 Promote the most cost-effectiveness method
 Identify local authorized couriers

4 of 30
Select all methods approved for the transmission of Top Secret information.
 Cryptographic System
 Direct contact between appropriately cleared persons
 Commercial Courier Service
 U.S. Postal Service Registered Mail

5 of 30
Select ALL procedures that must be adhered to when transmitting Secret information through the U.S Postal Service by Priority Mail Express (formerly Express Mail).
 Deliver outgoing Priority Mail Express mail directly to Postal Service personnel
 Transmission to U.S. military activities in Puerto Rico is allowed
 Deposit Priority Express Mail in a street-side collection box
 Execute the “signature is required” box

6 of 30
Select the method NOT approved for transmitting Secret information within the U.S. and its territories.
 USPS Certified Mail
 GSA contract holder for overnight delivery
 USPS Registered mail
 USPS Priority Mail Express (formerly Express Mail)

7 of 30
If there is more than one authorized method of transmission that meets mission requirements, the most cost-effective method should be used.

8 of 30
The only factor considered when selecting a method for transmission and transportation of classified information is damage to the national security.

9 of 30
Cryptographic systems used for the electronic transmission of classified information must be approved by which of the following officials?
 Director of the National Cryptographic Security Institute (NCSI)
 Director of the National Security Agency (NSA)
 Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
 Commander or Director of the Installation or Activity

10 of 30
From the list below, select the proper method to transmit Confidential material to a military organization located overseas with an APO/FPO address.
 U.S. Postal Service First Class Mail
 GSA contract holder for overnight delivery
 U.S. Postal Service Registered Mail
 U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail

11 of 30
Within the DoD, use of U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail Express (formerly Express Mail) for the transmission of Secret and Top Secret material is authorized ONLY within the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

12 of 30
Appropriately cleared U.S. citizens who are operators of vehicles, officers of ships, or pilots of aircraft may be designated as escorts for Secret and Confidential material provided control of the carrier is maintained on a __________ basis.
 12 hour
 24 hour
 36 hour
 48 hour

13 of 30
How many intermediate stops are permitted between initial take-off and final landing when Secret or Confidential material is transported using aircraft participating as part of the “Civilian Reserve Air Fleet?”

14 of 30
Whose permission do you need to obtain before transmitting information or material that includes cryptosecurity, emissions security, transmission security, or physical security information?
 DoD Department Head
 COMSEC Custodian
 SCI Custodian

15 of 30
What category of programs imposes safeguarding and access requirements exceeding those normally required for specific types of classified information at the same classification level?
 Special Access Programs
 Personnel Programs
 Industrial Security Programs
 Information Security Programs

16 of 30
The release or disclosure of foreign government information to any third country requires the prior written consent of the originating government.

17 of 30
Where should you look for guidance on the transmission or transportation of Foreign Government Information (FGI)? Select all correct responses.
 DoDM 5200.01, DoD Information Security Program
 National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM) 112
 National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM) 110
 DoD Directive 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations

18 of 30
Transmission and transportation of Special Access Program information is always coordinated through the __________________________.
 COMSEC Custodian
 Foreign Disclosure Officer
 Special Security Officer or Special Security Representative
 Program Security Officer

19 of 30
What is required for an appropriately cleared individual to be authorized for designation to escort or hand-carry classified material?
 Need-to-know is satisfied
 Favorable determination of eligibility for access at the appropriate level
 Signed non-disclosure agreement
 Properly executed property release agreement

20 of 30
Hand-carrying is normally accomplished aboard a U.S. carrier; however, when a U.S. carrier is not available, a foreign carrier may be used.

21 of 30
What are the requirements for the use of DD Form 2501, Courier Authorization Card?
 The form must be issued for no more than two years
 The individual must have a recurring need to hand carry classified information
 An appropriate official in the individual’s servicing security office must sign the form
 The form must be used when authorizing a courier to hand-carry or escort classified materials on commercial aircraft.
 Stocks of the form must be controlled to preclude unauthorized use

22 of 30
During overnight stops, couriers may store classified material in a hotel safe, provided it is equipped with an X-09 electromechanical lock, and the overnight stop has been coordinated and approved by the activity security official.

23 of 30
At border crossings authorized couriers may open a parcel containing classified material for inspection ________________________________.
 Parcels containing classified material may never be opened en route
 When ordered by Customs, Immigration, or Police officials
 When ordered by Police or airline screening officials conducting random package inspections
 When ordered by Police, Customs, or Naturalization officials

24 of 30
Each time an individual is required to escort or hand-carry classified information aboard a commercial passenger aircraft, an original or reproduced copy of a letter of authorization is required.

25 of 30
What must DoD personnel ensure when packaging a classified document?
 Ensure the outer wrapper is marked with the highest classification level of the contents
 Classified text is not in direct contact with the inner envelope or container
 Ensure the document was signed by the original classification authority (OCA)
 Make sure the mailing address is not included on the inner envelope or container

26 of 30
What does classified information need to be enclosed in when it is transmitted between facilities? 
 One (1) durable, opaque layer of wrapping or packaging material and inner padding
 Two (2) durable, opaque layers of wrapping or packaging material
 An outer wrapper of any material and a resistant plastic inner wrapper
 An outer container that can be opened for inspection and an inner sealed container

27 of 30
When preparing a classified package for transmission or transportation, what markings should be included on the inner wrapper?
 Receiver’s address
 Name of document enclosed
 Lowest classification of the contents
 Any applicable special marking
 Highest classification of the contents
 Sender’s address

28 of 30
When Confidential information is transmitted via United States Postal Service (USPS) First Class Mail, what statement must appear on the outer wrapper?
 Does not apply. USPS First Class Mail may never be used for the transportation of classified information
 Return Service Requested
 First Class Mail
 POSTMASTER: U.S. Government Classified Contents

29 of 30
A briefcase may not be used as an outer wrapper because it cannot be addressed in the same way that a package can be.

30 of 30
What are the requirements for using a zippered pouch for hand-carrying classified materials?
 The pouch must also have serial number displayed conspicuously on its exterior.
 The activity authorizing use of the pouch must determine that no other means of transmission is available
 The pouch must be locked and its key placed in a separate sealed container
 Zippered pouches may only be used for bulky items that present wrapping challenges

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