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This week’s assignment is all about you! We will be using Google Slides to create a simple presentation that will allow you to share a little bit about your life as well as getting to know the other students in your class. You will practice creating text boxes,inserting photos, editing the slide master, and adding a theme.You are the senior HR manager at a medium-sized software company,, and you will be training your new assistant in how to create the monthly slideshow of new employee bios for the TVs in the break rooms, lobbies, and common areas of your office building.In order to give him an example of a company-approved slideshow, you have decided to create a sample employee bio of yourself to share with him as a template for copy.

***Please note: If you are not comfortable/prohibited from sharing images or facts about your life with the class and your instructor, please feel free to use public domain photos of other people through Google Images, and provide alternate work, personal, and education info. It will not affect your assignment grade in any way to provide different information, as long as you are not plagiarizing from someone else.Click here to learn more about finding free-to-use public images on Google.

●Create a new, blank Google Slides presentation (do not use a template for thisassignment)●Name your presentation LastNameFirstName_W6GoogleAssignment●Click on the plus sign or right-click on the left sidebar and select “New Slide”. Do thisthree times. You should have a total of four slides when you are done.●Select all four slides (hold down CTRL while click on each slide until all are highlighted).●Right click on Slide 1 and select “Apply Layout” and then●Choose a theme for your presentation that looks professional and appropriate for asoftware company, and apply it to your presentation.●Select “Apply Layout” and then “Title Only”. At this point each slide should have a smalltitle bar and nothing else on the slide.●Click again on the first slide to highlight it again, select the Slide menu, and then select“Edit Master” Select Insert–>Image—>Search, and perform a Google Image Search fora monogram of the first letter of your last name (e.g. if your name is John Smith, youwould search for “S monogram”)

●Choose a monogram that you like from Google Images, select the monogram, andresize and reposition the image until it is about 1.5”x1.5” and is in the upper left handcorner of your master slide.●Select “Apply to All Slides” and exit the Edit Master screen

At this point, all of your slides should have some kind of color and stylingrelated to your theme, a monogram of your last name in the upper left handcorner, and only a title bar for content.

●9) On the first slide, choose a font that is professional, easy to read, and matchesthe theme of your slides, and enter your name in the title bar●10) Use “Insert Picture” to place a picture of yourself below your title○If you do not have a picture of yourself that you could download fromFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. or stored on your computer, take a selfiewith a phone or tablet and email it to yourself at your student Gmail. Openthe email, download the photo to your computer, and insert it into yourslide.●Insert a text box on your first slide and write a brief 2-3 sentence welcomemessage. You can use the text below or create one of your own:Welcome to new employee [Your Name Here]! [Name’s] first day will be October 23,2016 and [he/she] joins Accounts Receivable as a Junior Finance Officer●On the second slide type “Work Experience” in the title bar●Insert a text box and create a bulleted list of your relevant work experience ormilitary service●On the third slide, type “Education”●Insert a text box and create a bulleted list of your high school/diplomas, college,and training experiences.● Insert an image of your high school/college mascot, your military branch symbol,or a photo or clip art of something that was important to you during job training orin life lessons you’ve carried with you.●On the fourth and final slide, type “Personal Info”●Insert a text box and write a short paragraph about any personal informationyou’d like to share (location, family, hobbies, interests, goals in this class)●Insert a photo of something that is personally important to you●SHARE your presentation, set to “anyone with a address canEDIT”, and copy/paste your link into the assignment dropbox.

NOTE: Please do NOT publish this slideshow to the web. Publishing to the web makes your content available to anyone who can find the link, and since this project potentially contains photos of families and children, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Also, do not include your address, phone number, or other information that could jeopardize your privacy and identity in your project.

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