
Final Project Plan

During this course, you have developed multiple plans and recommendations for your client, Sunshine Health Corporation. It is now time to present the final plan as your contract has been completed through this first phase. Please review your previous work including that of last week with your Network Security Plan and make revisions and modifications as necessary based on our discussions and research up to this point. This is a plan that would be submitted to your customer for their review and their records of the work that you have been contracted to do. It is important that is clear and concise and easily referenced. The project should include at a minimum:

  • Overview of the contract (up to 1 page, more than a paragraph)
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary (up to 1 page, more than a paragraph)
  • Review of the individual projects. Each project should be a separate section (including those that were discussions).
  • Review and recommendations.
  • Reference page. Instead of references listed per project, develop a single section with all references and resources utilized throughout the project, using APA format.

The assignment should be 8-10 pages of content not counting title page, reference page, or appendices (diagrams, budget sheet, equipment list, etc.). Please follow APA format. This report is a representation of your business. How do you want your business seen and remembered?

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