Correctional Sanctions

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, explore the philosophies behind four approaches to criminal sanctions—retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation—as considered in the Wright (2012) text. In addition, please review the assigned website, Bureau of Justice Statistics (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and read Contemporary Prison Overcrowding: Short-Term Fixes to a Perpetual Problem(Pitts et al., 2014). You will also consider an application for life course theory in criminology relevant to criminal sanctions. Please review resources referenced in Week 1, the Messer, Patten, and Candela (2016) article pages seven through nine, and/or content in the Salvatore (2017) article pages one through two, which respectively summarize life source theory in criminology.


Define incapacitation. What is the philosophical basis for incapacitation?

Interpret how at least one constitutional principle relevant to social and criminal justice relates to rehabilitation.

Describe how life source theory in criminology could either challenge or support incapacitation.

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