CCC Artistic Criticism: Othello

You are required to write a criticism of a work of art. Let me answer the questions I anticipate you will have about this assignment.

What type of art must I choose?

You may choose any of the art forms included in this course–film, drama, music, painting, literature, sculpture, or architecture.

Can I go to any film or musical performance, etc.?

Please try to select something you think is a work of art.

Do I have to go to a theater, performing arts center, or museum in order to do this assignment?

I encourage you to do that, but I also encourage you to seek out reasonably priced or free experiences. If you cannot attend a live performance or visit a museum or gallery, you may watch a videotaped or televised version of a drama, film, or musical performance. You could also critique a painting included in a good art book. You may also read a book, which is a work of literature.

You may not criticize a work of art discussed in the text.

How do I do the criticism?

I want you to do a descriptive, interpretative, and evaluative criticism of the work of art. Your textbook discusses these forms of criticism and gives examples of each kind. I encourage you to draw as much from the text as you can to perform your criticism. I do not require you to do any additional research, such as background research on the artist or the school of art he/she represents, but this type of information will help you do the interpretive criticism.

How long does it have to be?

3 – 4 typewritten (word processed), double-spaced pages, font size 12. The cover page does not count as one of the pages.

Do you have any special instructions about the format?

For the body of the paper, use any style sheet you prefer. Include a cover page on which you list your name, Humanities 110, the date, the title of the work of art, and where you experienced it. Be sure to put your name on the cover page. It should be a five-paragraph essay: Introduction, one paragraph each for the Three Types of Criticism (descriptive, interpretive, evaluative) and Conclusion

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