Indian Humor & The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Comparison

I will need a literary analysis of the following readings: See all instructions below. Please list 2 outside sources used. Please list works cited and write in essay form. Please read all instructions carefully and include all information listed.

Indian Humor (Deloria)

The approximate size of my favorite tumor by Sherman Alexie

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven : Stories by Sherman Alexie

Topics for writing about short fiction

  1. Write an analysis of a short story, focusing on at least 3 elements of fiction (such as theme, plot, characters, structure or voice) and how they demonstrate or relate to Native American culture.
  2. Compare and contrast two fictional stories with protagonists who share an important personality trait. Make character analysis the focus of your essay.
  3. Compare and contrast two stories with similar themes or messages. Discuss how Native American tone, voice, humor, etc. are executed and how they impact the reader.
  4. Compare two works by the same author, focusing on the elements of fiction and how they demonstrate or relate to Native American culture.
  5. Explore a theme(s) that is present in two or more works by different authors (i.e. stories by Native American women).

Additional requirements:

  • Minimum of five paragraphs complete with topic sentences and transitions
  • Include a thesis statement in your first paragraph
  • Use the terms and definitions from “The Elements of Fiction” in your analysis
  • Format your essay according to MLA guidelines
  • Include examples from the text/s to support your ideas
  • Include at least two outside sources from the CCBC library database (or other reliable source) in addition to primary source(s) to support your ideas.
  • Include MLA style in-text citations and a Works Cited page

Tips for a successful paper:

  • Choose a text and a topic that interests you
  • If you are unfamiliar with a word or reference, look it up!
  • Put the steps of the writing process to practice
  • Use spell and grammar check in Microsoft Word and read your work out loud
  • Back up your work (email it to yourself, save it to a flash drive, etc.)
  • Follow the guidelines for a C paper outlined in the syllabus
  • Refer to the MLA Sample Paper on Blackboard for help with formatting

Topics for writing about short fiction

  1. Write an analysis of a short story, focusing on at least 3 elements of fiction (such as theme, plot, characters, structure or voice) and how they demonstrate or relate to Native American culture.
  2. Compare and contrast two fictional stories with protagonists who share an important personality trait. Make character analysis the focus of your essay.
  3. Compare and contrast two stories with similar themes or messages. Discuss how Native American tone, voice, humor, etc. are executed and how they impact the reader.
  4. Compare two works by the same author, focusing on the elements of fiction and how they demonstrate or relate to Native American culture.
  5. Explore a theme(s) that is present in two or more works by different authors (i.e. stories by Native American women).

Additional requirements:

  • Minimum of five paragraphs complete with topic sentences and transitions
  • Include a thesis statement in your first paragraph
  • Use the terms and definitions from “The Elements of Fiction” in your analysis
  • Format your essay according to MLA guidelines
  • Include examples from the text/s to support your ideas
  • Include at least two outside sources from the CCBC library database (or other reliable source) in addition to primary source(s) to support your ideas.
  • Include MLA style in-text citations and a Works Cited page

Tips for a successful paper:

  • Choose a text and a topic that interests you
  • If you are unfamiliar with a word or reference, look it up!
  • Put the steps of the writing process to practice
  • Use spell and grammar check in Microsoft Word and read your work out loud
  • Back up your work (email it to yourself, save it to a flash drive, etc.)
  • Follow the guidelines for a C paper outlined in the syllabus
  • Refer to the MLA Sample Paper on Blackboard for help with formatting
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