Cryptosystem and Protocols – Transaction security Research Paper

Use Internet resources to research for answers for the following questions. Write a 2–3 pages research paper answering these questions.

  • Go to a popular online e-commerce site like, Place several items in your shopping card, and then go to check out. When you reach the screen that asks you for your credit card number, right-click on the Web browser and select “Properties.” What can you find out about the cryptosystem and protocols in use to protect this transaction? Explain the cryptosystem and protocols in detail with examples.
  • Provide at least two references to support your initial post.

Please note:

  • Provide 2-3 pages long (not including title and references) as a word document.
  • Include title page, table of content page.
  • Add a references page to the end of your document.
  • Make you own titles and sub titles
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