Darius the Great World History Fake Facebook Profile Assignment

In this module, you have learned much about Greece, the Persian Empire, Zoroastrianism and the Greco-Persian War. Because this particular period of history involved two well-known civilizations that were embroiled in a high-profile war, a plethora of individuals made their mark on history and have since become influential figures of antiquity.

Take a minute to imagine what it would be like if these historical figures had the same relative access to social media that we in contemporary society enjoy today. What would they have to say? What would their Facebook page look like? How would they interact with one another? This must be a person who actually lived – not a god or goddess!

Now, choose one of the many historical figures that you have learned about in this module, and use the Historical Facebook Template to create a fake Facebook page for that figure. Your Facebookpage might be humorous, but should still be historically accurate and demonstrate a clear understanding of the content.

For full credit you must include:

  • at least three of each of the following (not 3 total): • activities • interests • movies • TV shows • books • relevant quotes from your figure or other appropriate figure, or quotes you believe would hold value to your figure
  • relevant images in all areas that call for pictures
  • At least 6 “posts” on their wall that include interaction with three or more figures. These interactions should accurately reflect these people’s personalities, thoughts, hopes, and actions

All entries are based on clear knowledge of the figure.

To access the Historical Facebook Template, first make sure you are logged in to your Schoolcraft Email account. Then, open the Historical Facebook Template in Google Drive, and complete the assignment. When you are finished, download your completed template as a PDF and upload it to the assignment area by clicking on the Browse My Computer button below the text editor.

Please review our tutorial about Submitting Course Assignments if you need assistance with this feature.

For more detailed instructions on completing this assignment, please view the Using Google Drive Templates tutorial (closed caption available).

This assignment is worth 15 points, and will follow the HIST 134 Historical Facebook Rubric. This rubric is available when you open the assignment.

See Schedule for due date.

Optional (Extra Credit):

The Wall Machine to create interactive posts for your historical figure as well as those that might like or comment on their posts. This portion of the assignment requires that you have an actual Facebook account. Therefore, it is optional and worth two points of extra credit.

The Wall Machine Tutorial in order to better understand the intricacies behind the template.

Once you have finished your wall posts, take a screen shot, save it to Word and upload the Wall Posts along with your completed Historical Facebook Template for grading.

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