Transgender Right Violation Persuasive Essay

1. Your topic: Transgender rights

2. Your audience: National Center for Transgender Equality

3. Your purpose : The purpose of my writing is to show how it is crucial that people are treated in a fair manner regardless of their sexuality.

4. Your chosen genre: I want to write a persuasive essay to the Discrimination Administration of President Trump.

** I have attached my annotated bibliography and a short essay proposal**

Please submit your genre project (Facebook, blog, portfolio, website, news article, short story, autobiographical story). You can either submit your work here or copy and paste hyperlink to open your genre project.

Here are a few examples of writng projects to give you an idea of what previous students have done (Note: These writing projects have a reduced word amount to 800; ours are 1000 words):

1. Blog with a petition on school funding (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

2. Op-ed piece (article) on criminal justice

3. Persuasive essay on existence of zoos

4. Webpage on police violence (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

5. Blog (I have this as a word document) on hunting (audience for PETA)

6. Persuasive essay on sexual consent

7. Personal narrative on racism

8. Pamphlet on addiction

Please do not forget that your writing project should be a minimum of 1000 words and integrate 5 sources. In addition, there should be a works cited page sent in on a separate page since for most audiences, a works cited is not necessary; however, since this is a college course, it is more for your academic audience, then for your chosen, targeted audience.

Please also do not forget that you must send your writing project to your audience. If you are emailing or electronically contacting your audience, I need a photo of this as proof. If you are creating a website, Facebook, portfolio, or blog, it must be live; that is, it must have a URL domain for the public, particularly your audience, to access. The purpose of this is to remind you that writing is not about getting an A from a single reader. It is an interactive activity that allows writer and audience to have an enriching and critical conversation on a social issue that impacts them both. So of course you are thinking about your audience, and not me as the single academic reader, when doing your genre project. Likewise, if you only put minimal time in your genre project, your audience will judge you accordingly. There are far more consequences (and embarrassment) with a real-life audience, so please invest time and energy into this project.

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