SOCW6520 Walden Week 2 Confidentiality in Education Experience Response
Due 06/06/2019 6PM EST
Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways: (Please be very detailed in responses with examples(the teacher takes off points if post are not detailed) Use 2 APA references
- Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Validate an idea in your colleague’s post with your own experience.
Be sure to support your blog posts with specific references to this week’s resources and provide full APA citations for your references
Response to Jennifer
- An explanation of potential challenges in adhering to confidentiality in your field education experience
As a social worker, my responsibility is to show respect honor client’s privacy and self determination. However ,There will moments as a intern or in my professional career, I may have to break a client’s confidentially only when he/she pose a threat themselves and others. According to Saxon, Jacinto, and Dziegielewski (2006) . Overall, confidentiality can be a complicated process, since, there are certain circumstances in which breaching it is sanctioned by both state laws and professional standards. For example, confidentiality may be breached with or without the client’s consent in order to report instances of neglect and abuse. Other circumstances include times when a client may be a danger to self or others, or when other compelling reasons exist, such as imminent harm to a client or if the law requires disclosure. Most professionals agree that there are situations in which breach of confidentiality is certainly justifiable and expected. For example, a client who has threaten a staff member with the intent to harm, client reported sexually abuse on an elder,or child.
A description of agency policies or mandates with regard to confidentiality.
- The agency in which I am doing my internship Care Resource , have policies in place with regard to confidentiality when it comes to patient information in the electronic health records (EHR). There has been trainings and workshop concerning and ensuring client’s confidentiality is upheld with the agency guidelines and Joint commission. POLICY NO. 5007.002 CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY: Care Resource understands, acknowledges, and respects the issue of confidentiality associated with HIV disease. The Agency will comply with Florida Statutes, administrative rules and Department of Health policies, protocols and procedures pertaining to confidentiality as contained in the Florida Department of Health Information Security Policy.PROCEDURE:All persons with an assigned Agency responsibility that potentially give them access to clients/patients and other confidential information must sign a statement of understanding that confirms the person understands the requirements of confidentiality as wells as the penalties for failure to comply with such requirements. One will be held accountable for any breach of client’s information. HIPPA is also affiliated with Care Resource. Care Resource also have on the Desktop of all computer, on the the importance of confidentiality and the tips on ensuring that all staff is reminded of how imperative it is.
An explanation of potential challenges in communicating with clients within your agency.
Confidentiality is of importance when dealing with vulnerable population of individuals. Client comes into an organization to receive help to addressing their needs, such as traumas, mental health and substance use disorder, Their hope is to be treated with respect and dignity. As a social worker, human relationship is the beginning of the treatment or therapy. According to National Association of Social Work (2017) Social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals. Social workers may limit clients’ right to self-determination when, in the social workers’ professional judgment, clients’ actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk to themselves or others. If a client from different culture background and if I’m not culturally competent, the challenge would not knowing how to address the needs of the client of family members. As social workers, cultural competence is a core value of the code of ethics.
National Association of Social Work (2017) NASW
Saxon, C., Jacinto, G. A., & Dziegielewski, S. F. (2006). Self-determination and confidentiality: The ambiguous nature of decision-making in social work practice.
Response to Marissa
Potential Challenges in Adhering to Confidentiality
At my field experience, there are many areas where adhering to confidentiality could be challenging. I am attending/facilitating group meetings with recovering addicts. During these meetings, things are shared that are from vulnerable situations and it may be difficult to not talk about them when the meeting is over. Some of the information that is shared leaves a lasting impact on me and I feel I need to debrief afterwards. It is important that I know who I can talk to about the clients and what information may warrant further reporting. Another challenge is now sharing confidential information with insurance companies or other institutions unless instructed to do so. There are a variety of agencies we work with so it is essential to know what information can be given to who.
Agency Policies with Regard to Confidentiality
In the substance use realm of social work, there are specific policies regarding the sharing of confidential information. Of course we follow the social work principles in sharing information that puts someone in harm or if it is court mandated. However, policies state that we can not give share the fact that these clients attend treatment services here. We can not disclose any information regarding evaluations or assessments. We can not speak in group sessions without doors being closed. We also must remain confidential with any piece of information regarding the clients in our care. There are strict precautions we must take when sharing information with other individuals or agencies.
Potential Challenges in Communicating with Clients
As I have completed my first week at my field experience, I have experienced a few challenges in communicating with these clients. First, it is rather intimidating to come in to an already established group of people and to make them feel comfortable working with me. Also, many of the members are around my age so it feels as though they do not take me seriously. Another challenge is that many of the clients know how to manipulate people because they have exhibited that behavior much of their life. With that being said, it is sometimes challenging to gain information from them that is reliable and honest. It is important that I remember to be genuine and non-biased.
Response to Stephanie
An explanation of potential challenges in adhering to confidentiality in your field education experience:
There is only one issue that I am afraid of when it comes to confidentiality. The place I am counseling is the place I grew up in as a child. Thus, I graduated in the school, and know many people from the town. Most of the individual’s I graduated with discuss their addictions on social media openly. My fear is that one of them will come in the office and recognize me and it may become difficult for me to handle someone who knows me and my family. I would be concerned most if this individual sees me out in public, and then tries to discuss their issues with me. If they try to, that would break confidentiality.
A description of agency policies or mandates with regard to confidentiality
Confidentiality is stated clearly in the policies of Gateway Counseling. Gateway Counseling even requires a new employee/ intern to watch videos of their policies regarding HIPPA and other confidentiality and safety issues that may arise. The main points of the video were that no one can have access to the information of any client at Gateway. Under Act of 1996, HIPPA, 42, U.S.C. 1320 C.F.R, Parts 160 & 164 and the Confidentiality Law, 42 U.S.C. 290DD-2, 42 C.F.R., Part 2. The only time information can be disclosed is: an agreement with a business associate, research/audit/ evaluations, a crime is being reported against the agency or its personnel, to medical personnel in an emergency, to report child abuse or neglect, to report elder abuse, and that is allowed by the courts. My supervisor even expressed to me that when subpoenaed by the court, she still has to quote the law that allows her to not have to divulge any information. The only information that is allowed to be released is the name of the person, start and end dates, whether they have attended and been compliant, and drug screen results. What will never be allowed to be shared is the personal information discussed in group, and what the individual’s personal life that is shared with in sessions.
An explanation of potential challenges in communicating with clients within your agency:
There are many challenges I always seem to face when dealing with clients. The first and biggest challenge is my age. Most individuals who are older, do not want to listen to someone who is twenty-six. It becomes difficult for someone to see me as a peer, and not a child. I, also, always get the comment that I am too young to know how to deal with issues like this. Those are my biggest obstacles to always climb over with patients. My second biggest obstacle will be if a client asks me if I have ever had an addiction issue, and that I would not know how to relate to them. Which is untrue, due to my family and friends going through the issues they are struggling with. However, these two challenges will hinder me with attempting to communicate with clients and helping them reach their ultimate goals in life.
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