w 7 6238 Discussion 1 Response

For this discussion I am being asked to give a brief description of two examples when you encountered barriers to problem solving. Then explain the steps you took to overcome the barriers in each example, and explain strategies to enhance problem-solving skills.My first example of a time when I encountered a barrier to problem solving would be when trying to make the most intelligent decision when pertaining to my auto repairs for my SUV. The main barrier to problem solving for myself would be directly related to the fact that I do not have knowledge or expertise in automotive repair. When faced with two different conflicting opinions from two different auto motive shops I realize I really don’t have the ability to make wise decisions about my auto repairs.  I have what I believe to be “free-will” to choose which repairs , which shop, and what price I plan to pay based off of research that I have found off of the internet. However, I found that I don’t even know enough about the repairs or the engine of my SUV to even exert my free will in problem solving to make wise decisions about auto repairs. This is when I found that the best strategy for this form of problem solving that I personally have at my disposal is based in implicit assumptions ; what is basically understood through the information I have available in regards to auto repairs and reputable skilled mechanics to do the repairs that I need. This concept is solidified in our required readings, such as “A thorough analysis of the question of whether we possess “free will” requires that we take into account the process of exercising that will: that is, the neural mechanisms of decision making. Much of what we know about these mechanisms indicates that decision making is greatly influenced by implicit processes that may not even reach consciousness.” (Burns,2007). Although, there can be other factors that impair our ablility to problem solve or rather to make decisions from free will such as “there exist conditions, for example certain types of brain injury or drug addiction, in which an individual can be said to have a disorder of the will.” (Burns, 2007).Another example of a barrier that I have experienced in relation to problem solving would be when selecting a school and program that I would like to set an intention to attend a PSYD or PHD program in psychology in the future. Based off of my academic history, my experiences in applying for both my Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s program, and the information gathered from the program departments in several schools and other students attending the programs. One barrier to this form of problem solving is that the intention is rarely a straight forward motion as explained in our required reading’s  as ; “A fundamental assumption of theories of decision making is that intentions and outcomes form a tight loop (1). The ability to monitor and to compare the outcome of our choices with prior intentions and goals is seen to be critical for adaptive behavior (2-4). This type of cognitive control has been studied extensively, and it has been proposed that intentions work by way of forward models (5) that enable us to simulate the feedback from our choices and actions even before we execute them (6, 7)” (Johansson, 2005). The strategy I plan to take to this barrier is to recognize that maybe I don’t get my first choice of programs/ school, or maybe I don’t get to work on the research projects I would be the most passionate about as a student but maybe I can gain the experience and endurance that I will need for my future career projects, in other words… maybe I will end up getting into the program that is most fitting to my personal needs rather than what I think  I intend as stated in our required reading as “the world is in many ways a forgiving place in which to implement our decisions. Mismatches between intention and outcome are surely possible, but when we reach for a bottle of beer, we very seldomly end up with a glass of milk in our hands.”. (Johansson, 2005).~TiaReferences:Burns, K., & Bechara, A. (2007). Decision making and free will: a neuroscience perspective. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 25(2), 263–280.https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1002/bsl.751Johansson, P., Hall, L., Sikström, S., & Olsson, A. (2005). Failure to detect mismatches between intention and outcome in a simple decision task. Science, 310(5745), 116-9. Retrieved fromhttps://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fscholarly-journals%2Ffailure-detect-mismatches-between-intention%2Fdocview%2F213613562%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D14872

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