You are the new HR Business Partner at a medium-size organization and it is your job to create an original (not copied from the text or other sources) handbook with many of the tools needed in the strategic staffing process. The body of the project should

You are the new HR Business Partner at a medium-size organization and it is your job to create an original (not copied from the text or other sources) handbook with many of the tools needed in the strategic staffing process. The body of the project should develop the following staffing tools. Organize your paper through use of headings, which correspond to the following topics and tools:Provide the brief background of your organization (you can use a real one or fictitious one.) Introduce the company to which the strategic staffing handbook applies. Talk about things such as the number of employees, years in business, strategic focus, mission, the types of positions this company has, and it’s purpose in the industry. End with a strong thesis statement that sets the stage for the rest of the handbook. In other words the last one or two sentences of this section should summarize what you plan to talk about in this document.Define strategic staffing, as it pertains to your organization. (TCOs 1 and 2).Transition from the introduction where you talked about the company to talking about what the definition of strategic staffing is, why it’s important to staff strategically and how you will go about making sure that strategic staffing happens in your company. You will cite things you use to help you develop the definition of strategic staffing. Explain how staffing structure, policies, practices, procedures, information systems, budgets and legal reporting requirements can be implemented as an integrated staffing management system to help organizations meet their strategic goals. At the end of the section, you need to transition into the job analysis section, where you discuss the importance of having job analysis in place in order to effectively staff the organization.Job Analysis (TCO 4). Identify the components of a complete job analysis (job content, requirements, competencies, compensation) and explain how the different parts of an integrated staffing management system contributes to each component. Explain how your organization will perform job analysis (i.e. method, timing, and who). If JA will be done differently at different levels of the organization, be sure to explain that difference.Legal Aspects of Staffing. (TCO 3) Given the possible vulnerabilities in today’s litigious environment, identify and describe the laws and regulations that affect the recruiting and selection process. (Include at least 3 laws/regulations that pertain to recruiting or selection, and explain their pertinence to your company’s strategy on staffing, in plain language geared to your middle managers and hiring managers).Must be  4 pagesI will display template once i hire someone

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