Final Project Submission: Comprehensive Program Proposal Presentation

Imagine you are a unit manager or top level leader in your facility. You are responsible for planning and implementing a new program in your facility related to your research findings based on where you currently work (or a different facility of your choice). Perhaps there is a need for a program where you are working. The purpose of this project is to prepare you to understand the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating a new program.For your final project, you will assume a management role from which you will create a program proposal that addresses the design, implementation, and evaluation of a program within your healthcare organization. This project will allow you to work through the program proposal process in an orderly fashion using data from a facility of your choice. You have learned to perform a needs assessment, which includes creating a logic model, anticipating outcomes, justifying resource allocations, and evaluating the program by proposing expected benchmarks and other measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented program. This process will provide you with a strong foundation in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a program proposal.PromptUsing a product such as PowerPoint or Prezi, prepare a presentation that outlines your program proposal. Your presentation should be directed at the organization’s upper management and should include detailed speaker notes or an audio recording. Your presentation must specifically address the following critical elements:I. Introduction: Identify and describe the institution in which the new program would take place. Be sure to include the institution’s name, location, focus (such as hospital or other acute healthcare facility) and any other pertinent demographic identifiers.From a management perspective, perform the following assessments for implementation of a program:Assess the organizational design for potential program development.Assess the community needs in terms of healthcare disparities.Assess the organization’s current healthcare programs in terms of the level of cultural competence they exhibit.Recommend an appropriate and logical programmatic strategy, based on the results of your assessments.How does your recommended programmatic strategy align with ethical guidelines? Be sure to justify your response.Design the program by developing a logic model.Identify key organizational stakeholders and discuss their relationship to your proposed program. In other words, what role will thesestakeholders play with regard to the components of your logic model?Create a logic model based on the critical components of a logic model:1. Resources or inputs: Consider human, financial, organizational, and community resources.2. Activities: What does the program do with the resources? Activities are the processes, tools, events, technology, and actions that are anintentional part of the program implementation.3. Outputs: These are short-, medium-, and long-term definitions of outcome criteria.Assign appropriate connections and feedback loops for the logic model.Discuss the anticipated outcomes of your program.What is your anticipated end result? How do you see the program producing results within your organization?How does this program fit into the organization? How does it affect the overall flow of healthcare delivery within the organization?What will be the impact of this program on other areas within the organization or community? Why? If you feel there will be no effect on otherareas, be sure to explain your reasoning.What will be the impact from this program with respect to complying with cultural competence standards? If you feel there will be no effect inthis regard, be sure to explain your reasoning.Attend to the financial aspects of your program.What specific resources would you suggest for use in your program? For example, what staffing and equipment suggestions would you make? Besure to explain your rationale.How will the program fit into the organization’s current budget? In other words, will the program fit into the existing budget, or will concessionsneed to be made?What recommendations would you make for ensuring the program is financially sustainable?Consider the evaluation methods and results for your program.What will you measure (such as benchmarks, patient outcomes, or other measurable data) in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the programimplementation?What tools will you use to measure the effect of your program on reducing the incidence of healthcare disparities?C. How will these evaluation tools tell you whether the program is successful?D. To what extent will the program help ensure healthcare equity across diverse populations? Be sure to justify your reasoning.VII. Provide a brief summary of the key points and findings of your program proposal.Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should be between 15 and 20 slides (in addition to title and references slides) and should contain detailed speaker notes or an audio recording. Please feel free to be creative with this project, experimenting with backgrounds and slide-to-slide transitions; however, be sure that any citations and references are formatted according to APA guidelines.

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