Prepare Report of Findings with Recommendation

I need to prepare the report of findings, background and reccomendations of a group project based on the information given by the other members of the group.. I will attached those files.. Here are the instructions provided by the instructor. Your team works for XYZ Company, which has a directional strategy focused on expanding the company through horizontal integration. Your team can determine the official name of the company and industry. The company does a great job keeping close watch on its cash position and consistently maintains a positive cash flow; is very solvent; controls its overhead expenses; has solid marketing and sales, production, and human resources performance metrics, and fosters a culture of strategic thinkers. Historically, your company has expanded through a combination of organic (new startups) and inorganic growth and feels it’s time to consider acquisition opportunities.

The Board is looking to engage in a friendly acquisition of a company that will not only increase its market share, but allow it to penetrate new markets and increase the company’s abilities to meet current and future consumer needs and expectations. Since management’s attitude is to pursue a friendly acquisition as opposed to a hostile takeover, your team may consider looking at conglomerates that have experienced significant growth through inorganic growth (acquisitions) and may now be looking to refocus on their core business and are willing to consider divesting some of its businesses that are within your industry. There could be other companies that are under financial duress and receptive to acquisition offers. Your team is a part of the corporate mergers and acquisition (M&A) department and has been assigned the task of identifying two potential acquisition targets. Since your Board is committed to a strategy of horizontally integration, you will be looking for possible acquisitions from within your industry. You will be performing a preliminary analysis of the companies under consideration, and then ultimately recommend one of the companies move forward for a more in-depth valuation by M&A Department. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<MY PART>>>>>>> Report of Findings with Recommendation

The team will prepare a Report of Findings that addresses, at a minimum, the following content: background information on the project (not the target acquisitions) as assigned to your team by the M&A Department of your company; describe the methodologies and assumptions used in the selection of the target acquisitions (Describe the methodology used to select the target acquisitions. You may want to consider utilizing the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to identify companies within you r industry. Of course, there are a variety of Internet sites that can assist you in locating firms within your chosen industry, such as Google Finance and Yahoo Finance) as well as the qualitative and quantitative analyses of company data; present your results with accurate interpretations; conclusions; and finally recommend on which company should be forward to the M&A Department for more in-depth valuation analysis (due diligence). The recommendation needs to be well-supported, properly vetted, and logically presented.

The team will be expected to comply with the APA (6th edition) form and style standards when in-text citing sources and listing these sources in the list of references; however, all other APA standards are suspended for purposes of completing this deliverable. It is expected that the team will use sound judgment and professional creativity in the design, layout, and presentation of the content within the report. Any graphs used to present financial data can be created in Microsoft™ Excel, and then copied and pasted into the report OR the graphs can simply be created directly in the Word document using the Microsoft™ charting feature.

There are no prescribed page limits associated with the report. Keep in mind, the team will be expected to provide a great deal of specificity in terms of how the numeric calculations were performed, the underlying assumptions, and in the interpretation of results. The content throughout the report must be substantive, thorough, and comprehensive; explicitly address the requirement components (described in prior sections); reflective analysis, syntheses, and evaluation of relevant qualitative and quantitative data; and demonstrate the overall quality consistent with that expected of an industry professional.

You are also required to prepare an Executive Summary which is to accompany the Report of Findings. The Executive Summary can be physically positioned at the beginning of the Report for convenience. This is a common practice within industry. The Executive Summary like the Report of Findings should show good judgment and professional creativity in terms of design, layout, and content. Any graphs used to present financial data can be created in Microsoft™ Excel, and then copied and pasted into the report OR the graphs can simply be created directly in the Word document using the Microsoft™ charting feature.

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