Job-order costing related powerpoint and Activity based costing powwerpoint, accounting homework help

This assignment include 2 different powerpoint presentation

1. Find a current accounting article related to the weekly reading (job order costing) from the Wall Street Journal, the Journal of Accountancy, or a similar journal and make a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation explaining the article

Job-order costing systems are used when:

1. Many different products are produced each period.

2. Products are manufactured to order.

3. The unique nature of each order requires tracing or allocating costs to each job, and maintaining cost records for each job.

2. Find a current accounting article related to the weekly reading (activity based costing: a tool aid decision making) from the Wall Street Journal, the Journal of Accountancy, or a similar journal and make a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation explaining the article

Activity Based costing (ABC) is a costing method that is designed to provide mangers with cost information for strategic and other decisions that potentially affect capacity and therefore “fixed” as well as variable costs.

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