Unit III Diversity In Organizations Mytle P. Bell, assignment help

Please answer all questions.

  1. Japanese Americans served in World War II while their family members were held in relocation centers. As discussed in Chapter 4, African Americans served in World War II but rode in the back of buses and drank from separate “colored-only” water fountains while German prisoners of war drank from “Whites-only” fountains. Hispanics returning from war faced considerable hostility and violence. What ironies exist for people of color in the U.S. military in the present? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  2. What specific steps can organizations take to ensure that bilingual workers’ skills are compensated when these skills are job relevant, in order to encourage bilingualism among employees and to reduce resistance to Spanish speakers?Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  3. What should law enforcement agencies do to curb discrimination against minorities? What can the public do? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  4. Discuss the potential negative individual and organizational consequences for Asian Americans being perceived as a “model minority.”Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
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