introduction to criminal justice, law homework help
This is the book we are using.
Bohm, R. M., & Haley, K. N. (2012). Introduction to criminal justice (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. No cover sheet, correct grammar and proper word count, APA guidelines, each question must have it owns references. Must use the book above as a reference. Use citation whenever is needed. Use update reference and material.
1. Summarize how the criminal justice system responds to crime. In other words, describe the steps or stages involved in the system’s response to a crime. (respond with a minimum of 200 words)
2. Discuss some of the potential effects of the news media presenting an unbalanced picture of overall crime (skewed toward sensational crimes) on the criminal justice system and society in general. (respond with a minimum of 150 words)
3. Which levels of government—federal, state, and local—bear most of the costs of criminal justice in the United States? What percentage of the total budget for those levels is spent on criminal justice? Should more money be spent? Why or why not? If so, in what level of government should the money be spent? Why? (respond with a minimum of 250 words)
4. Point out major differences between Packer’s crime control and due process models. Based on your reading and the Attend section in Unit 1, which model (crime control or due process) is more effective in reducing crime? Respond in detail and support your position with facts or research. (respond with a minimum of 200 words count).
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