Introduction to criminal justice, law homework help
All questions must have it own references after the question. APA guidelines, correct English and grammar, complete word count, good up to date references. Proper citations if needed. No cover sheet just answer question. This book is where we get the information and must be used as one of the references:
Textbook(s)Bohm, R. M., & Haley, K. N. (2012). Introduction to criminal justice (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
All question must have it own reference after the answer. The word count is after each question.
1. List and explain the meaning of the twelve standards of policing proposed by Robert Peel. Explain why each of these standards is still important today. (respond with a minimum of 200 words)
2. Explain the main components of community policing. Identify the four steps in a community policing approach to problem solving and give an example of each. (respond with a minimum of 200 words)
3. Review the Law Enforcement Officer Code of Ethics in Figure 6.1 on page 200. In your opinion, which three Canons are the most important and why? (respond with a minimum of 200 words)
4. List and describe some of the ways to control and reduce police corruption. (minimum 100 words)
. Police Corps,” a military-style police academy, has been employed in some U.S. cities. The cadets of the mentally exhausting 6-month program eat, sleep, and live together in rooms near the academy with no televisions and with the constant threat of surprise inspections. Their days involve marching in military formation with a platoon leader barking out cadences, weight lifting, and classes on self-defense as well as law and criminal procedure. Afternoons are spent at the firing range, where they train with pistols, MP-5 submachine guns, and AR-15 assault rifles. After ending their days at 10 P.M. with little or no time for themselves to relax or study, they are occasionally awakened at 2 A.M. as instructors push them for practice in high-speed driving and patrolling tactics. At some point in the course, the cadets are put through 24 to 72 hours of sleep deprivation to teach them the effects of stress and lack of sleep on their bodies. The punishment for not following orders correctly is pushups. Supporters of the style maintain that the Navy SEAL–type training will help officers become more disciplined and community-oriented. Critics contend that the program is too extreme and isn’t necessary for a community police force, that it “isn’t needed in our society unless we’re in a warfare environment.” (respond with a minimum of 100 words to each question below)
5. Describe what effects such training methods are likely to have on police recruitment.100 word count
6. What are the pros and cons of this military-style police academy training?100 word count
7. Is such training needed in our society? Why or why not? 100 word count 100 word count