HMGT 420 6380 Health Care Facilities Management, management homework help

Assignment #1 (15% of the final grade)

After listening to the podcast: The State of Patient Experience, consider the evolving landscape of healthcare and answer the following questions incorporating your own thoughts and ideas.

Your submission should be in narrative format and be 3-5 pages in length (including a cover page and a reference page – double-spaced). Please feel free to utilize reputable, outside sources when formulating your answers.

Link to podcast:…

  1. Discuss and explain your opinions on how healthcare organizations can standardize and prioritize patient safety as a strategic priority.
  2. Where do you think healthcare organizations are regarding transparency in their information (patient safety, outcomes of patient care, healthcare grades/scores)? Consider public reporting. Have there been improvements in transparency or is there much work to be done? Do you think transparency drives change? Explain your position.
  3. What good things do you think healthcare reform has brought to healthcare? Do you think healthcare reform can be easily linked to patient safety, equality in service, and patient experience? Explain your position.
  4. What critical issues should healthcare organizations prioritize? Consider such items as market share and patient experience.
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