Textbook: McElreath, D., et. al. (2014). Introduction to homeland security. Boca Raton,FL: Taylor & Francis Group, law homework help

The following is the book for this class:

Textbook: McElreath, D., et. al. (2014). Introduction to homeland security. Boca Raton,FL: Taylor & Francis Group

ISBN-13: 978-1-4398-8752-3

This is a discussion board so I only need 250 words.

Hi! By the end of this week, we will be over halfway through this course. Can you believe it?

This week we review the four phases of comprehensive emergency management. Each phase provides distinct activities, roles, and functions that serve to better a community’s abilities to deal with a given disaster.

Take two minutes and watch this quick news video:

What preparedness activities do you feel are most important in this particular situation? Activities can be those performed by law enforcement, fire, EMS, public works, forestry, the EMA, or any other emergency management stakeholder you can identify. Support your selection. How do you think the concepts of homeland security could be involved in the management of this incident?

Please use at least one (1) reference in APA format to support your writings. Also, please remember to reply to the posts of at least two (2) other students. This facilitates the best possible discussion each week. Thank you!

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