ENV1600 Assignment 1 Life Cycle of a Product Analysis
section A- A section that introduces the subject of the life- cycle analysis and in which you report a life cycle analysis, a critical discussion of your findings and a literature cited section.
section B- subdivide into subsections with their own subheadings. introduction to the problem and product and a section in which you outline the basic methods that you used to drive the life cycle.
section C- It should include discussion where you interpret the result of your analysis.
It should be in Chicago style and the length should be 4 pages double spaced, excluding literature cited section, figures and tables.
To supplement the text draw a flow diagram showing the components of life- cycle, with the arrows indicating the specific flows of materials, energy and wasted involved. I’ll post some examples below.
Life Cycle Analysis from the Environmental Literacy Council: https://enviroliteracy.org/environment-society/lif..
Life Cycle Assessmentfrom the WWW Virtual Library on Urban Environmental Management: http://www.gdrc.org/uem/lca/life-cycle.html
Story of Stuff (Website and movies): https://storyofstuff.org/movies/ Especially the original
Story of Stuff, Story of Change and the Story of Solutions.