The Echoes of Trump Rallies Reading Response

Please spend a couple of hours browsing through newsweeklies. Some suggest magazines (but not limited to):

  • New Yorker
  • Harper’s
  • Utne Reader
  • Newsweek
  • Time
  • The New Republic

Suggested newspapers:

  • Daily News-Record
  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • New York Review of Books
  • Mennonite Weekly Review

Pick an article and write a response, no more than a page long. Some issue you might want to address:

  • What do you notice generally?
  • Can you detect bias? If so, how?
  • How does the author construct his/her article (i.e.: inverted pyramid? Hooks? Etc).
  • How do the journalists reinforce or challenge the mission of their particular publication?
  • Please do not simply summarize the article and/or give your feelings on the topic! The purpose of these assignments is to look at articles critically and learn from professional journalists
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