Database management

You were just hired by an airline industry to create a database to record the various airlines and the pilots that work for themDiscussions with the industry representatives focused on two initial entities, Airlines and Pilots; the following key points were agreed:1. Each pilot is assigned a unique PilotID.2. Each AirlineID is unique3. Each pilot may work for one airline, each airline can have many pilots.4. FName, LName, JobTitle and Salary describe each pilot (with the obvious meaning)5. AirlineID, NPlanes, NRoutes, NPilots describe each airline (NPlanes number of planes, NRoutes number of routes, NPilots number of pilots)6. No fields beyond those in the report are needed.The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate an understanding of some basic concepts covered in the course. The exercise is a straight forward application of those concepts – there are no “hidden” complexities – should you identify something in the key points or data that adds complexity, contact the instructor before submission – you may be over thinking the exercise.The sample data may not represent all possible values of each field – consider each field’s domain during the design.The objective is to replace the following report with a relational database. The submission will consist of a word compatible document to record the design process, and an Access DB.Here is the relational schema (table notation) for the above report / table:PilotAirlines (PilotID, FName, LName, JobTitle, Salary, AirlineID, NPLanes, NRoutes, NPilots)The functional dependencies are:PilotID – – > FName, LName, JobTitle, Salary, AirlineID, NPLanes, NRoutes, NPilotsPilotID – – > FName, LName, JobTitle, Salary, AirlineIDAirlineID – – > NPLanes, NRoutes, NPilotsThe specific tasks are listed below, the percentage in parenthesis corresponds to the grade weight for each task.Name your document Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). When you are asked to provide an explanation or description, include enough content to demonstrate that you understand the definition, term, concept, etc. and how it applies to this exercise.SUGGESTION: Review the Terms and Concepts Discussion, especially the One-to-Many Normalization Process: Parts and Suppliers example. There is also a normalization MP4 file that can be downloaded from the Resources section.Incorporate the following outline in your submission –include the section numbers – not the questions or other content from the instructions.1) Review the existing report, functional dependencies provided and the sample data (as well as field domains and common knowledge) and document any assumptions you feel are appropriate (beyond those in the key points) and identify initial entities (person, place, thing). (10%)2 Define functional dependency, and explain one row of the functional dependencies provided above in plain English (use field names). (15%) (you do not need to explain partial or transitive dependency)3) Based on multiplicity – explain therelationship between the initial Entitiesin plain English – (either one-to-many, or many-to-many). (15%)4) Design: specify all tables and fields at each normal form levela) First Normal Forum (1NF) assessment / action – if needed 10%Copy the 1NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)Assess the UNF table provided and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 1NF definition. Document the resulting 1NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format (see the above example or page 111 Figure 4.2.6 of the text).Explain how each table(s) meets the 1NF definition (use field names)b) Second Normal Form (2NF) assessment / action – if needed 10%Copy the 2NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)Assess the 1NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 2NF definition. Document the resulting 2NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format.Explain how each table meets the 2NF definition (use field names)c) Third Normal Form (3NF) assessment / action if needed 10%Copy the 3NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)Assess the 2NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 3NF definition. Document the resulting 3NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format.Explain how each table meets the 3NF definition (use field names)5) Use the 3NF tables in your design, tocreate an new MS Accessdatabase, load the sample data provided,Name your database Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). (5%).6) Create aQuery, that provides the results for the following request: List each PilotID, FirstName, LastName, the Airline each pilot works for, sorted by pilot. (5%)7) Create aForm: New Pilot Input (5%)8) Create aReport: Pilot List – list all pilots, their first and last names, and Salary (5%)Upload the database to the assignment area as one of the deliverables9) Submission content organization, clarity, spelling and grammar (10%)

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Mathematical Modelling Test

I have test and need someone to login remotely to my PC and write it

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Statics Math/ Data Tables

Use the SPSS software and the data set: (2004)GSS.SAV (attached) recode the variable for political party identification (PARTYID) into a NEW variable that uses the following old values to create the following newcategories:Data set:2004gssnew-6.savbinge1-2.sav1 thru 2 = 1= Democrat3 thru 5 = 2 = Independent6 thru 7 = 3 = Republican8 = 4 = Other(Answer the following questions; use the (new) recoded variable with a variable premarsx and compare them- crosstab)Note:Variable PREMARSX will be a dependent variable (place it in the row), variable NEW PARTID will be an independent variable (place it in the column).Remember to request column percentages.Show your work (attach all tables).1. Of all the respondents who are Republicans, what percentage believes that premarital sex is always wrong?________________________________________________2. Of all the respondents who are Democrats, what percentage believes that premarital sex in not wrong at all?_________________________________________________3. Of all the people who are Independents, what percentage believes that premarital sex is always wrong or almost always wrong?________________________________________________________4. Seven detention centers are surveyed. The current number of inmates in each detention center is 30, 11, 22, 15, 5, 42, and 99. What is the median number of inmates?Answer: _________________________5. When do we use a Chi square?_______________________________________________6. Participants in a research study have been classified as lower, middle, or upper class in terms of their socioeconomic status. We can say that the variable of social class has been measured at the ____________________ level of measurement.7. A distribution has 14 scores. Each score is represented only once in the distribution, with two exceptions. The score of 72, appears three times, and the score of 48 appears four times. What is the mode of the distribution?8. Assume that the mean of a distribution of test scores is 40 and the standard deviation is 10. You have been told that your test score is one standard deviation above the mean. What is your test score?9. Assume that the mean of a distribution of test scores is 60, with a standard deviation of 20. What would be the value of the score that falls two standard deviations below the mean?10. What menu across the top of the SPSS data editor window will let you access the FREQUENCIES command?(a)  Analyze                            (d)  Summarize(b)  Data                                  (e)  Window(c)  TransformAnswer: ___________________________11. Briefly explain the difference between percent and valid percent in a frequency table.12. In a survey instrument, a question asks “In a typical week, how often do you exercise enough to raise your heart rate?”  The response categories are never; 1 time per week; 2 times per week; 3 to 4 times per week; 5 or more times per week.  What is the level of measurement for this variables?(a)  dichotomous                           (d)  nominal(b)  interval                                    (e)  none of the above(c)  ordinalAnswer: _______________________Use the following number set to answer questions 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17:2, 16, 3, 8, 10, 4, 213. Calculate the mean.Answer: ____________________14. Calculate the median.Answer: _________________15. What is the mode?Answer: __________________16. Calculate the range.Answer: __________________17. Calculate the standard deviation.Answer: ____________________18.               TABLE 1:  Frequency Table for Social Class (CLASS)Question: On table 1 on CLASS shows that 41.1% of _________ respondents consider themselves members of the working class.(a)  1491                            (d)  1500(b)  613                              (e)  734(c)  81Answer: ___________________________19.Table 2:The table above shows a crosstab between attitudes toward abortion in the case where the woman was raped and when the woman is unmarried.  How many respondents report approving of abortion in both cases?(a)  1                                      (d)  102(b)  70                                    (e)  343(c)  171Answer: __________________________20.Table 3:Table 3 shows univariate or bivariate analysis?Answer: _________________________________21. Dr. Smith has a data set with two variables that allow him to test the hypothesis that students who get along with their parents are less likely to engage in deviant activities, such as skipping school or cheating on a test.  His independent variable is called GETALONG (get along with parents) and is coded as follows:GETALONG:0 ‘never’1 ‘not often’2 ‘some of the time’3 ‘often’4 ‘most of the time’Andrew’s first dependent variable is called CHEAT (cheat on a test) and is coded as follows:CHEAT:0 ‘never’1 ‘before but not in the last year’2 ‘few times per year’3 ‘1-2 times per month’4 ‘1-2 times per week’5 ‘everyday’Dr. Smith decides to test the hypothesis that students who get along with their parents more often are less likely to cheat on a test.  He wants to use a crosstab table to do this.  What test of association should he request from SPSS?(a)  lambda(b)  gamma(c)  chi square(d)  Pearson’s rcorrelation(e)  epsilonAnswer: ___________________________________22. Dr. Smith also tests a hypothesis that predicts girls are more likely than boys to be involved in extracurricular activities.  His independent variable, GENDER, is coded 1 ‘male’ 2 ‘female.’  His dependent variable, EXTRA, is coded as 1 ‘yes, involved’ 2 ‘no, not involved.’  Again, Andrew requests a crosstab table in SPSS to test this hypothesis.  What measure of association should he request?a) lambdab) gammac) epsilond) cumulative percente) regression coefficientAnswer: ____________________________________23.TABLE 4:  Relationship between Drinking and Missing Class- Amanda tests the relationship between number of drinks it typically takes to get drunk with how often a respondent misses class as a result of drinking.  She hypothesizes that people who report a higher number of drinks to get drunk will likely miss classes more often than those who report a lower number of drinks to get drunk.  Table 4 shows the results of her analysis.  What percent of those who report 7 or more drinks to get drunk miss class 2 times or more?(a)  100%                                 (d)  52.2%(b)  17.4%                                (e)  14.3%(c)  30.4%Answer: ________________________________24. According to Amanda’s gamma results in Table 4, knowing how many drinks a person typically has to get drunk improves Julie’s estimate of how many times they have missed class by _______ percent.(a)  4.7%                                  (d)  53.5%(b)  8.6%                                  (e)  0%(c)  47%Answer: _______________________________25. What direction is the relationship between number of drinks to get drunk and number of missed classes in Table 4?(a)  North                                 (d)  negative(b)  supported                           (e)  no direction indicated(c)  positiveAnswer: ________________________________26. Complete Independent Project A: (10 points)Hypothesis A states: Those who oppose capital punishment also oppose abortion.Hypothesis B states: Those who oppose capital punishment are in favor of abortion.**Place CAPPUN in the column, and ABANY in the row.Remember to request column percentages.- Using the 2004GSS.SAV (attached) data file, do bivariate analyses to determine which hypothesis is more accurate.Please answer the following questions:1. What percentage of those who oppose capital punishment report opposing abortion?2. What percentage of those who are in favor of capital punishment report supporting abortion?-Create two (2) additional crosstabulations with CAPPUN as the indepen­dent (place it in the column) variable and ABDEFECT and ABSINGLE as the depen­dent (place it in the row) variables.3. What is the epsilon value of supporting abortion in the case of a birth defect between those who favor and those who oppose capital punish­ment?4. What is the epsilon value of supporting abortion in the case where the mother is single between those who favor and those who oppose capital punishment? Is this bigger or smaller than the above epsilon? What does this mean?27. Complete Independent Project B: (10 points)Using the BINGE.SAV data file (attached), create a crosstabulation that measures the association between year in school (CLASS) and importance of parties as a college activity (PARTIES).(tip: CLASS – column as an independent variable, PARTIES – row as a dependent variable)Please answer the following questions:What measure of association did you ask for?What is the value of this measure of association?What percentage of first year students believe parties are very important?What percentage of seniors believe parties are very important?Based on your analysis, is there an association between year in school and the importance of parties?

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Lagrange, branch and cut, simplex method

Please only if you are familiar with the topics above

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Complete 2 discussion questions

See attachment

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Deliverable 4 – Hypothesis Tests

InstructionsScenario (Information repeated for deliverable 01, 03, and 04)A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota that range from $30,000 to $200,000 per year. As a Business Analyst, your boss asks you to research and analyze the salary distributions. You are given a spreadsheet that contains the following information:· A listing of the jobs by title· The salary (in dollars) for each jobIn prior engagements, you have already explained to your client about the basic statistics and discussed the importance of constructing confidence intervals for the population mean. Your client says that he remembers a little bit about hypothesis testing, but he is a little fuzzy. He asks you to give him the full explanation of all steps in a hypothesis testing and wants your conclusion about a claim that the average salary for all jobs in the state of Minnesota is less than $75,000.Background information on the DataThe data set in the spreadsheet consists of 364 records that you will be analyzing from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data set contains a listing of several jobs titles with yearly salaries ranging from approximately $30,000 to $200,000 for the state of Minnesota.What to SubmitYour boss wants you to submit the spreadsheet with the completed calculations. Your research and analysis should be present within the answers provided on the worksheet.

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see the attchement for do excersis 1  to 4 and  1 to 5 ass two and discusion two ASAP.( 8/25)

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Contemporary Math Course

Complete a whole course with due dates throughout this semester on my math lab, lets discuss

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Subject: Organization Leadership and Decision MakingBooks:  Bratton, J. (2020). Organizational leadership. SAGE and McKeen, J. D., & Smith, H. (2017). It strategy: Issues and practices. Prospect Press.Students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. Demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within your own career.Need 4+ pages, excluding title and reference pages with quality in writing.Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment.You should not, provide an overview of the course.Reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

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For Essays Guru Only

The purpose of this graded assignment is to help you to obtain the necessary practice to fully comprehend the weekly learning objectives. You will have 7 attempts to complete each problem in the assignment and you will have access to the Help Me Solve This or View an Example features. The use of Help Me Solve This, however, will result in loss of attempt at the problem.Complete the following steps to access the MyMathLab® Homework for Week 2:Access the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab.Select External Content Launch to open MyMathLab®.Select Homework and Tests in MyMathLab® on the top-left corner of the screen.Select Week 2 Homework.

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