I need help in Matlab

please see the attachment files to do the mat lab. Please make sure to submit it on time.

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Help with Excel assignment for STATISTICS

1- Review Key Formulas, Quick Review and Chapter Summary Notes from page 49-50 ( pdf ch02 already posted)2- Solve the following set of problems and submit as a hard copy in class (HW- Ch #2).Textbook:   2-46; 2-56; 2-68; 2-69The data files Evos and workhrs for 2-68 and 2-69 can be retrieved by clicking on the file above posted under HW- Ch # 2 ; Use Excel to answer some of the questions and attach the files at the same time as your assignment.  (Watch the video posted on how to use EXCEL.)

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a book store was selling 5 books for $27.25. Online you could buy 6 books for $32.16.Which place has a…

a book store was selling 5 books for $27.25. Online you could buy 6 books for $32.16.Which place has a lower unit price?

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Week4 Problem Set & Quiz QNT/561

Help with Problem set & quiz

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looking for Matlab expert to help solving problem 18https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DtoJYX9xLaneQSTajwQ2_7W1uyiCznGZ/view?usp=drivesdk

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The Covid-19 Pandemic shifted many individuals and organizations to work from home (teleworking).  What are some of the challenges, vulnerabilities, and costs associated with teleworking that impact network management, maintenance, and monitoring?

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mymathlab homework

There are some homeworks needed to be done by 5/10 on mymathlab site. Im willing to pay $5 for a section. please message for more details

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A Restaurant have an interest in creating a new grading system for their customers with a new application. This is critical as the restaurant wants to delivery high standard satisfaction outcomes to improve and standardize the quality of the service they deliver and to have the possibility to partnership with other restaurants in the region. The new system ideally should assess fairly the waiters and waitresses, the cooks, and the suppliers. • Analyze the main clients and stakeholders (restaurants, customers, suppliers) and build a research method to assess the actual picture of satisfaction of all stockholders. This method will assess the new grading system as soon as the project is put into practice in the restaurant. • Identify and prepare the information to convince your boss that your project makes sense, and it is necessary to put into practice. You need to be convincing. • Create a project team: tell how you are going to create your team and how you will coordinate it. • Build up a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with all the tasks and their duration, resources needed and predecessors. • Establish a Project Timing and determine how long will be the project. • Assess on the risks of failure and use the FMEA methodology for their evaluation. • Determine a Balance Scorecard, including the most representative indicators and metrics to evaluate the progress of implementation. • Explain how important is the implementation of a Quality Management System to improve the efficiency of this business.

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Preventing MalwareThreatsIdentify necessary countermeasures that should be performed by the users for preventing their systems from various malware threats. While you ponder this question and realize there are a number of obvious answers. We need to think deeper than just listing possible suggestions.*Detail a minimum of 8.Initial Post:Think both inside and outside the firewall.What are the pros-might be obvious, But what are the cons-are there any? Why might it be an issue? Does the benefit out way the possible issue?Are these “one time” fixes? Or continuous, ongoing TTP’s?Do these mitigation’s need Management approval and/or top cover?Are these sunk costs or do they have potential unseen ROI that needs to be addressedResponse:As you read your classmates’ postings, think of areas where you can expand on the subject, conduct more research to further explore the topic, or examine the subject through different lenses and perspectives.Regarding your response to your classmates: Please highlight a new facet to build on what your classmate stated, add to the conversation, or find an alternative viewpoint and support your response with citations. It’s important to have more than “I agree” or “good point,” when responding!Due Wednesday – Initial PostAnswer the prompt and respond to at least three of your peers’ posts. You must make an initial post before you are able to view the posts of your peers. To view the discussion board rubric, click the three vertical dots icon in the upper right corner and select “Show Rubric.”Due Sunday – Post Peer ResponseA reminder about “classroom” discussion at the Master’s level:Try to complete your initial post early during the conference week (no later than Day 3 of the week) and plan to continue dialogue with your classmates throughout the remainder of the week. Think of our online conversations as discussion in a traditional classroom. Posting your initial post and responses at the last moment would be similar to walking into a classroom discussion with 10 minutes left in the class. You would miss the issues covered by your classmates! Remember, the intent of our conference discussion is to take the conversation to the next level – the Master’s level of discussion.In addition, posting early has its benefits. You have the opportunity to state your original thoughts without worrying that you are saying the same things that a classmate has already stated.Finally, please use academic citations from the library to support your statements. Don’t simply rely on Google!

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Queueing Theory

Solve this  Queueing Theory  problem . I can provide solutions for similar problem

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