Tom had 114 baseball cards. He kept 10 and shared the rest evenly among his 8 friends how many baseball…

Tom had 114 baseball cards. He kept 10 and shared the rest evenly among his 8 friends how many baseball cards did each friend get

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M1D1: Filling a Swimming PoolIn this discussion, you will work in small groups in online discussions to solve a mathematics problem involving changes of units. This group discussion will help prepare you for activity M1A2, in which you will write and submit an individual complete solution to a similar problem.Solve the following problem, and post your solutions to the discussion forum.Jill has a swimming pool in her backyard. It is shaped like a rectangle and measures approximately 16.3 feet wide and 26.2 feet long. It is an average of 5 feet deep. During a few hot weeks during the summer, some water evaporates from the pool, and Jill needs to add 8 inches of water to the depth of the pool, using her garden hose. Although her water pressure varies, the water flows through Jill’s garden hose at an average rate of 10 gallons/minute.Convert the dimensions of the pool to meters. Round all meter measurements to one decimal place (nearest tenth of a meter).How many liters will Jill need to add to her pool to return the water level to its original depth? How many gallons of water is this? Reminder: Volume = Length x Width x DepthHow long will Jill need to run the hose? Express your answer in hours and minutes.Be sure to answer all parts of the question above. It is possible that you will not be successful at answering all parts of the question at this point, and that is okay. Describe what you were able to solve and what questions you have remaining.Since this module focuses on measurement it will be very important that mathematical conversions be clearly demonstrated throughout your problem write-up. For example, if you must convert 28 yards to meters, you must track your calculations with cancellation of units as seen below:It is important to follow the Discussion Problem Instructions [Click to Expand/Contract]This is intended to be a challenging problem that will require you to work together for a successful solution. Just as you learn from others’ ideas, they will learn from your questions and contributions. Whether you understand a complete solution to the problem or are struggling to work it through, you are expected to participate actively in the discussion throughout the module and to work collaboratively with your classmates on a thorough problem solution.Goals for this discussion, while working with your classmates:The focus here is not only on finding the “right” answers, but on explaining and justifying your reasoning for all mathematical steps and ideas you present.Engage with and reflect on the issues being discussed, which will be critical for your course grade.Demonstrate that you understand all parts of the problem and its solution by the end of the moduleThis will prepare you for the next activity, in which you will write and submit an individual complete solution to a similar problem.

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Can you do online math questions in an hour?

please if you can do them just let me know.

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week 3 assignment

Week 3 Assignment: Listen and Respond Due: Week 3 Points: 100Skill(s) Being Assessed: Communication (active listening, oral communication)Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:Create a 1–2 minute audio response (using your own original voice) with clear and consistent sound quality throughout.As a supervisor, address all aspects of the problem identified by your co-worker clearly, cohesively, and concisely.Tailor the content, tone, and language of your response to the audience.Summarize the speaker’s message, incorporating all of the speaker’s main points clearly.Convey openness and approachability.Appropriately use informal and formal language.What to submit/deliverables: Informal voicemail to a colleague (use Kaltura or mobile device to record voicemail).What is the value of doing this assignment? This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice active listening and oral communication in a workplace setting, all of which continues to hone your communication skill. You will demonstrate the use of appropriate tone and language, and practice conveying openness and approachability in your response to a co-worker. Whether at work or at home, it is critical to tailor approachability and language depending on the audience and purpose.Communication is a universal skill and one you will continue to refine as you progress throughout your professional and academic careers. This assignment asks you to use what you’ve learned in the first three weeks of the course about active listening, audience analysis, and responding in the workplace. Worried about where to start? The good news is that you’ve already established your foundation with these practices by reading through Chapters 1, 3, and 6 in The Art of Public Speaking. This assignment will use what you learned in those chapters to help you record and compose your response.Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your communication skill. You will do this by applying active listening and oral communication strategies to appropriately reply to a voicemail message from your co-worker.What you need to complete this assignment: To complete this assignment, you will need the following resources:Assignment Overview Video.Voicemail from your co-worker.Kaltura or mobile device.Chapter 3 in the textbook.Scenario: Your organization recently shifted to remote work. Since that time, you have heard complaints from a few co-workers concerning the lack of collaboration tools and difficulty effectively collaborating in a remote environment. Your co-worker recently left you a voicemail expressing extreme frustration with the lack of collaboration tools and has asked if there is something that can be done to help the organization select and implement a collaboration tool.To address the problem of lack of collaboration software, as a team leader you will reply to your co-worker to acknowledge their concerns and let them know you are planning to establish a task force to research effective collaboration tools and suggest replacement technology.This job aid will help with this assignment submission [PDF].Steps to complete: In Week 3, complete and submit your assignment in BlackBoard using the following steps:STEP 1: Listen to the voicemail from your co-workerSTEP 2: Record a 1–2 minute audio message (using your original voice) to your coworker in which you:Acknowledge your co-worker’s concerns by summarizing their message and asking any clarifying questions.Outline your plans to help resolve the issue by establishing a task force to research effective collaboration tools.Reiterate your understanding and empathy for your coworker’s concerns and that you will be available for further discussion as needed.STEP 3: Submit your audio file to Blackboard in Week 3.NOTE: You can also use your mobile device and upload your recording to Blackboard. However, recording through Kaltura usingthese instructions [PDF]andwalkthrough videois the recommended option.Watch the Week 3 Assignment Overview video below to help you with this assignment:

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Discuss the importance of combinatorial reasoning in gene sequencing and related problems involving genomes.

Discuss    the    importance    of    combinatorial    reasoning    in    gene    sequencing    and    related    problems    involvinggenomes.Each    writing    assignment    is    worth20    pointsshould    include    the    following    sections:Background    (3    points):This    is    a    discussion    of    how    thenon-­‐mathematical    and    mathematical    portions    of    your    topic    fittogether.Youmight    include    a    historical    background    of    the    topic,    definitions    of    terms,    thediscrete    mathematicsideasthat    are    addressed(e.g.induction,    logical    fallacy,    etc.),    and    some    explanation    about    why    these    ideas    were    useful.Examples    (10    points):In    most    of    your    writing    assignments    you    are    asked    to    discuss    and    describe    an    aspect    of    discretemathematics.    Give    two    of    three    examples    or    techniques    of    the    topic    under    discussion.    Give    generalinformation    and    alsospecific    examples    of    the    topic.Bibliography(2    points):List    the    references    you    used    to    complete    this    report.    Just    list    title    and    author    for    any    booksandarticlesyou    used.    You    should    also    include    a    list    of    people    that    you    consultedor    any    other    form    of    help    that    you    received.For    example,    you    might    obtain    some    of    your    information    from    the    internet;    in    this    case,    you    could    include    thewebsite.You’ll    need    at    least    one    bookor    articleas    a    reference,    preferably    two,    and    a    total    of    atleast    two    references.You’ll    notice    that    there    are    still    5    points    unaccounted    for.    The    remaining    5    points    are    for    style:    clarity,    neatness,    flow,design,    organization    and    creativity-­‐-­‐it’s    important    to    be    able    to    communicate    your    ideas.

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statistic assignment 4

Answer all questions. Show all calculations. Explain clearly and completely.1.  A statewide poll for an upcoming gubernatorial election concluded that 52.8% of the voters will vote for candidate A and 47.1% will vote for candidate B. The margin of error is ±2.5%. The confidence level for this result is 95%.1a. Explain the Confidence Interval.  (3 pts.)1b. Explain the difference between the Confidence Interval and the Confidence Level.  (5 pts.)1c.  Explain what happens to the Confidence Level when the Confidence Interval is increased (widened).  (4 pts.)1d.  Is the poll result predicting a win for either candidate (A or B)? Explain.  (5 pts.)1e.  Explain at least two reasons that could cause these poll results to be inaccurate,biased or unreliable.  (8 pts.)2.  A university president claims that on average, at least 60% of incoming freshman students go on to earn their degrees and graduate from the university.For the hypothesis test, a random sample of 50 freshman students were selected for a sample study. 27 of them graduated with their degrees. 27 out of 50 is 54%.The test statistic (formula result) is z = -1.46.The p-value for this test statistic is .0721 or 7.21%.2a. Explain is the parameter of interest?  (3 pts)2b.  Explain the Null Hypothesis.  (4 pts.)2c.  Explain the Alternative Hypothesis.  (4 pts.)2d.  Based on the test statistic, z, and the p-value, explain whether we should accept or reject the Null hypothesis.  (6 pts.)2e.  Explain in your own words what the conclusion in 2d says about the result of the test and the action to be taken. (8 pts)

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Quantitative Journal – Article Review – 3-4 pages / 4 hours/ no lagiarism

Quantitative Journal – Article Review – 3-4 pagesYou will review quantitative research.  The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece.  I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is out there.  There are no hard word counts or page requirements as long as you cover the basic guidelines.  You must submit original work, however,  and a paper that returns as a large percentage of copy/paste to other sources will not be accepted.  (Safe Assign will be used to track/monitor your submission for plagiarism. Submissions with a Safe Assign match of more than 2% will not be accepted.)Please use APA formatting and include the following information:Introduction/Background:  Provide context for the research article.  What led the author(s) to write the piece? What key concepts were explored? Were there weaknesses in prior research that led the author to the current hypothesis or research question?Methodology:  Describe how the data was gathered and analyzed.  What research questions or hypotheses were the researcher trying to explore? What statistical analysis was used?Study Findings and Results:  What were the major findings from the study? Were there any limitations?Conclusions:  Evaluate the article in terms of significance, research methods, readability and the implications of the results.  Does the piece lead into further study? Are there different methods you would have chosen based on what you read? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article in terms of statistical analysis and application? (This is where a large part of the rubric is covered.)References

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Mobile Phone Data and the Coronavirus

In the year, 2020 the Coronavirus uprooted and changed the lives of everyone. It has been the first true pandemic across the world in recent times. In an attempt to help fight the coronavirus or any future viruses that might develop across the world. There has been a trend to help fight the virus’s spread by looking at the mobile data of individual users who tested positive for the virus.The idea is the government can look at the individual’s movement based on their cell phone to see where they went, when they were there, who they may have come in contact with as well. This seems to be an aggressive tool to help stop the spread of the virus and help individuals get tested who might have been exposed. Also, this is used to help people quarantine themselves since they might have been exposed and it will help them to stay away from people to protect others within the community.Read the following Articles:”10 countries are now tracking phone data as the coronavirus pandemic heralds a massive increase in surveillance”Links to an external site.Hamilton, I. (2020, March 21). 10 countries are now tracking phone data as the coronavirus pandemic heralds a massive increase in surveillance. Business Insider Nederland.”Israel to track mobile phones of suspected coronavirus cases”Links to an external site.Hamilton, I. (2020, March 21). 10 countries are now tracking phone data as the coronavirus pandemic heralds a massive increase in surveillance. Business Insider Nederland.”Governments Harness Mobile Phone Data To Track Coronavirus Outbreak”Links to an external site.PYMTS. (2020, March 18). Governments Harness Mobile Phone Data To Track Coronavirus Outbreak. PYMNTS.Com.”Privacy vs pandemic: government tracking of mobile phones could be a potent weapon against COVID-19″Links to an external site.Fair, P. (2020, March 27). Privacy vs pandemic: government tracking of mobile phones could be a potent weapon against COVID-19. The Conversation.″S.Africa launches mobile tracking of those with coronavirus”Links to an external site.Reuters. (2020, April 2). S.Africa launches mobile tracking of those with coronavirus. Yahoo News.”Mobile phone location data used to track Australians’ movements during coronavirus crisis”Links to an external site.Grubb, B. (2020, April 4). Mobile phone location data used to track Australians’ movements during coronavirus crisis. The Sydney Morning Herald. to Use Mobile Phones to Track People at Risk of CoronavirusLinks to an external site.Stolyarov, G., Nikolskaya, P., & Astakhova, O. (2020, March 23). Russia to Use Mobile Phones to Track People at Risk of Coronavirus. US News. wielding its vast troves of phone-tracking data in virus fightLinks to an external site.Overly, S. (2020, April 3). Google wielding its vast troves of phone-tracking data in virus fight. POLITICO. and Europe turn to phone-tracking strategies to halt spread of coronavirusLinks to an external site.T.W.S. Journal. (2020, August 3). US and Europe turn to phone-tracking strategies to halt spread of coronavirus. Fox Business. reading the articles discuss:What is your impression of this tactic to fight the spread of the virus?Are you concerned about privacy or protection more?Would you want to find out that you have been potentially exposed to the virus because of this process?Does it make you feel safer that the government can track potential infections by this process and control the spread of the virus possibly?Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing in the end?Do you support your privacy being used in this manner to save the greater community?Remember to respond to at least THREE of your classmates’ posts by Sunday evening.You must make an initial post before you are able to view the posts of your peers. Initial posts must be made by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. Answer the prompt and respond to at least three of your peers’ posts. Replies to your peers and answer all questions by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.Response:As you read your classmates’ postings, think of areas where you can expand on the subject, conduct more research to further explore the topic, or examine the subject through different lenses and perspectives.Regarding your response to your classmates: Please highlight a new facet to build on what your classmate stated, add to the conversation, or find an alternative viewpoint and support your response with citations. It’s important to have more than “I agree” or “good point,” when responding!A reminder about discussions at the Master’s level:Try to complete your initial post early during the week and plan to continue dialogue with your classmates throughout the remainder of the week. Think of our online conversations as discussion in a traditional classroom. Posting your initial post and responses at the last moment would be similar to walking into a classroom discussion with 10 minutes left in the class. You would miss the issues covered by your classmates! Remember, the intent of our discussion is to take the conversation to the next level – the Master’s level of discussion.In addition, posting early has its benefits. You have the opportunity to state your original thoughts without worrying that you are saying the same things that a classmate has already stated.Finally, please use academic citations from the library to support your statements. Don’t simply rely on Google!More of the specifics for discussion grading can be found on the  “Specific Discussion Criteria” page.

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mathematics , functional analysis

(a). Prove a normed space is complete if and only if every absolutely convergent series is convergent.(b). Prove ` p is complete for 1 ≤ p < ∞. (You can assume it is a welldefined normed vector space.)

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