Marketing strategy

Extra Credit Assignment – 25 points –This assignment will only be posted on Bb until Friday, 2/9, at 6:00pm.

350 Words

Submit on Bb only, no hard copies

Due: Friday, 2/9/18 by 6:00pm


After listening to Von Hot Rod speak, discuss the following questions:

  1. What marketing strategy, maneuver or trick, as described by Hot Rod, stuck with you? 
  2. What did you learn – or – What was your key take-away?
  3. What were you inspired to do or become or change about yourself as a result of his talk?
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Evaluate the estimated demand model

 Please use the data to answer the following questions. 

The multiple linear equation is   

QDx = 63.63 – 13.01(Pp) + 1.95(Pb) + 0.24(M)

QD = 63.63 -13.01Pp + 1.95 (4.38) + .24 (67)

Questions #3

 Evaluate the estimated demand model. 

A. What is the R2 ? Is it above 90%? 80%? 

     i. Explain what the R2 means; i.e. how much of the variation in the quantity       demanded does the model explain? 

B. What is the p-level associated with the model’s F-statistic? Is it less than 5%? 10%? What does the significance indicate about the model? 

C. Inspect the p-levels for all the independent variables. Are they less than 5%? 10%? Interpret the p-levels and explain which variables are statistically significant 

 D. Omit any insignificant variables and re-run the model. 

     i. Make sure your model has at least the independent variables including, the good’s own price, the price of a related good, and income 

E. Re-evaluate steps a) – e) with the (new) model and any subsequent results 

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IST 378-01 Problem Solving and Risk Management


The project is designed to give you an in-depth teamwork experience with any topic in Problem Solving and Risk Management. The requirement is to prepare an at least 20-page technical paper and a 20-23 minutes PowerPoint presentation, to be given to the class. The technical paper and presentation should reflect the problem, the context, the current best practice, the architecture, and the state of art in Problem Solving and Risk Management.


Groups of four students are to be formed. Each group will jointly define its project. While each project should be an integrated group effort, i.e. there is a single deliverable; you should identify both  in  your  project  proposal  and  final  report  what  part  of  the  project  each  group  member  is responsible for.


This is a course in a business school and the project subject matter should be business oriented and presented in acceptable management format, i.e., you are presenting the final project to your boss.


To ensure the quality and progress of the group work, each group need to do at least the following:

•   Group members select a group leader and clearly define the role and responsibility of all group  members.  Also,  the  group  leaders  will  oversee  the  communication  with  the instructor. Each group leader will be awarded one bonus point applied to the final grade.

•   Group members choose a topic for the project and create a milestone/schedule.

•   Submit the one-page project proposal in print.

•   Create  a  form  to  record  all  the  meetings  held  (e.g.,  time,  date,  and  place  of  meeting, member presented, agenda discussed, etc.). These forms will be included as the appendix of the final report.

•   Group peer evaluation will be conducted at the end of the course. The results from peer evaluation will be used to assess the contributions of each member. The grade of a group member would be adjusted lower if all the other group members give the group member a

very poor evaluation.

IV.       PROJECT OUTCOMES Project Proposal

•   A one-page project proposal in Word format outlining the project needs to be submitted to the instructor no later than April 17 (Tuesday), 2018. The proposal should at least cover

the following information: group organization indicating who the group leader is, a brief introduction  of  the  specific  topic  on  which  you  are  going  to  work,  and  tentative milestone/schedule of the project.

Project Presentation

•   In  the  last  three  sessions  of  the  quarter,  each  group  will  deliver  a  20-23  minutes presentation  on  the  project,  using  PowerPoint  and/or  other  presentation  tools.  Group participation is required.

Final Report

•   The final written report should be submitted to the instructor on June 12 (Tuesday), 2018.

The  report  should  be  in  APA  (American  Psychology  Association)  format.  The  report should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 pt font and double spaced, with at least  20  double-spaced  and  numbered  pages  (with  1”  margins  on  all  sides),  excluding figures, tables, illustrations, and references. Fewer pages will result in points deduction. A cover page is required. The report should include the following:

o Course Information

o Group members with group leader indicated

o Abstract

o Introduction

o Main parts of the report

▪    the problem

▪    the context

▪    the state of art and the current best practice

▪    advantages and disadvantages

▪    recommendations

o Conclusion

o References (not counted for the length requirement of the report).


The final score for the project will be calculated based on the following grading policy:

•   Project Proposal:                     10%

•   In-class Presentation:              40%

•   Final Written Report:              50%

The term project and presentation will count as 20% of the total grade.

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IST378-01 Spring 2018

Virtual Group Case Study: Video Presentation and Written Report

Each virtual group term project team is required to do a case study with a video presentation and written report, which weighs 10% of the final grade.

Case Study:

•   Each team needs to find a case in decision making, or problem solving, or risk management, and do a case study to discuss the questions raised by the case and analyze the issues related to the case for a better understanding of the case.

Video Presentation of the Case Study:

•   The team that has studied the case needs to submit a 10-minute video presentation of the case on Blackboard, using PowerPoint and/or any other presentation means.

Written Report of the Case Study:

•   Besides the video case presentation, each team needs to turn in a written report, which consists of the following parts:

o Course and team information

o Background information on the case

o Identifying the major issues and problems brought up in the case

o Analyzing the questions and the solutions of the case

o Discussing what should be learned from the case

o Providing some insights and recommendations according to the case discussion and


o Conclusion

o References •      

The written report  should  be  at  least  five  pages,  12-point  font  and  double-spaced  and numbered pages (with 1” margins on all sides), excluding figures, tables, or illustrations.

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Macro economics

For this assignment, you should use the information in the textbook and the information found on the official government website: 

  1. What does gross domestic product (GDP) tell us? How did GDP change from 2008? What caused these changes? What is real GDP? What was real GDP in 2008 and has it changed since 2008?
  2. What was national income (NI) for 2008? What does national income tell us? What is the difference between GDP and NI? How has NI changed since 2008? What caused these changes?
  3. What was disposable income (DI) for 2009? What does disposable income consist of? How did DI change from 2008? What caused these changes?
  4. Does GDP measure the well-being of society? Why or why not?
  5. What was GDP in 2008 (sometimes called GSP) for your state? How does your state rate when compared to other states?

Submission Details:

  • Submit a 4 to 6 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
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Microeconomics Paper

After reading Special Topic 5, write a 2-page paper answering the following:

Why did housing prices rise rapidly during 2002 – 2005?

Why did the mortgage default rate increase so sharply during 2006 and 2007 even before the 2008 – 2009 recession began?

What did the Community Reinvestment Act have to do with the housing bubble and collapse?

Cite your sources as needed.  Use APA formatting.

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Business & Finance

Respond briefly to the following Questions and make comments to at least one posting by another fellow student. sign each question number of answer.

In total I need 1 page  APA style

Q1. What are key features of Keynesian Economic Systems as a distinct macroeconomic transformation from Classical form of Market Capitalism? Give an example in the context of US economic systems that changed in 1930s.

Q2. How does Marxism differs from Keynesian economic systems and what are key factors attributed to the failure of communist systems in Russia and China in 1980s?

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IST378-01 Problem Solving and Risk Management

Assignment 4: Understanding Automated Decision Systems (ADS)

Purpose of the Assignment:

The purpose of Assignment 4 is to help you with a better understanding of Automated Decision

Systems (ADS) in terms of applications, advantages, and disadvantages.

Requirements of the Assignment:

1)   First,  define  Automated  Decision  Systems  (ADS),  using  an  example  to  show  the importance of Automated Decision Systems (ADS) in managerial decision making;

2)   Then, discuss at least three applications of Automated Decision Systems (ADS) in managerial decision making, providing at least one example for each application;

3)   Also, discuss at least four advantages and four disadvantages of using Automated

Decision Systems (ADS) in managerial decision making.

Write  a  short  report  in  APA  (American  Psychology  Association)  style  that  provides  detailed descriptions on what you have come up with. It should include the following:

•   Your name and course information

•   Title of your report

•   Body of your report

•   References (if you have any)

This short report counts 5% of your final grade.

You need to save the assignment with the file name: IST378-01 Assignment 4 Your Name. Not doing so will result in points deduction.

Grading Criteria:

Grades will be based on:

•   The correctness and appropriateness of the answers in your report (80%).

•   The quality and clarity of the structure in your report (20%).

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IST378-01 Problem Solving and Risk Management

Assignment 3: Decision Trees in Decision Making

Purpose of the Assignment:

The purpose of Assignment 3 is to help you with a better understanding of the decision trees in decision making.

Requirements of the Assignment:

1)   First, define a decision tree and its basic elements, using an example to show the basic elements used when visualizing a choice;

2)   Then, discuss the applications for decision tree analysis in decision making, providing four examples for a better understanding of the applications;

3)   Also, discuss at least five advantages and five problems/limitations of using the decision tree as a technique in decision making.

Write  a  short  report  in  APA  (American  Psychology  Association)  style  that  provides  detailed descriptions on what you have come up with. It should include the following:

•   Your name and course information

•   Title of your report

•   Body of your report

•   References (if you have any)

This short report counts 5% of your final grade.

You need to save the assignment with the file name: IST378-01 Assignment 3 Your Name. Not doing so will result in points deduction.

Grading Criteria:

Grades will be based on:

•   The correctness and appropriateness of the answers in your report (80%).

•   The quality and clarity of the structure in your report (20%).

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IST378-01 Problem Solving and Risk Management

Assignment 2: The PrOACT Decision Making Model

Purpose of the Assignment:

The purpose of Assignment 2 is to help you with a better understanding of the PrOACT decision making model.

Requirements of the Assignment:

The PrOACT decision making model provides a systematic approach for making decisions. It is an excellent framework for guiding your important decisions. In this assignment, you need:

1)   First,  define  the PrOACT decision  making  model and  identify  and  describe  the  eight elements;

2)   Then, discuss why we need to use a model for decision making and how to make a decision using the PrOACT decision making model, using examples for a better understanding of the issues discussed.

Write  a  short  report  in  APA  (American  Psychology  Association)  style  that  provides  detailed descriptions on what you have come up with. It should include the following:

•   Your name and course information

•   Title of your report

•   Body of your report

•   References (if you have any)

This short report counts 5% of your final grade.

Grading Criteria:

Grades will be based on:

•   The correctness and appropriateness of the answers in your report (80%).

•   The quality and clarity of the structure in your report (20%).

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