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Project 2: Find Trends in your Profession

Project 2: Next, you will search for information that enables you to identify three top trends in your profession or field. You will learn about the two main systems that classify job titles to capture economic and employment statistics. When you have an industry or occupation code, library databases can help you identify trends. You will then choose one issue that you discovered in your research of trends, working to craft a research question, conducting research on the issues and providing an analysis of the findings. This project focuses on the process of inquiry and research as you exercise information literacy skills to locate and evaluate information and develop well-reasoned conclusions. This project will prepare you to conduct serious inquiries of fact and a strategic approach to research.

Step1: Conduct Research to Identify Top Trends

Step2: Choose an Issue to Research

Step3: Writing Research Paper

Step4: Submit Your Paper and Share Your Research Experienc

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