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Is empowering women to work in any filed will help the Saudi economy, economics homework help

This is Proposal for my thesis:

This is the thesis Question

Is empowering women to work in any filed will help the Saudi economy ?

Chapter 1 : (150 words)

Introduction ( write about when they established women school in Saudi Arabia and how was the king on that time. And write how the women school developed in each decade.

Chapter 2 : 100 words

Lutcher view ( who took about this topic before and why is it important )

Chapter 3 : ( 120 words)

Before and after

Include dates

How was the women schooling in the past and now

How was the women work opportunities in the past and now

How was the women get involve sport and the Olympic in the past and now

How was the women working in the stock market in the past and now ( now Sarah Alsohaimi elected Chairman of the board of the Saudi Stock market )

Chapter 4 : ( 150 words )

Future Vision and how women can help the economy for bing half the community if they have the empowerment to work in any filed.

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