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What are some of the components of these cultures that you need to understand from a business standpoint?

You want to launch a business internationally, and you need to choose 3 countries—1 in the Middle East, 1 in Asia, and 1 in Latin America.

  • What are some of the components of these cultures that you need to understand from a business standpoint?
  • How are they different in each country? Specifically, what considerations will be necessary to facilitate collaboration across these cultures? Identify supervisory skills appropriate to respond to your considerations.
  • Can you have a U.S. management style in these countries? In support of your answer, show how various issues would influence the success of multicultural teamwork.
  • How are their economic systems classified? Explain why they are classified as such.
  • After studying these countries, explain whether you should or should not move forward with your business plan.

1,000–1,200 words

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