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IBM Company Analysis, business and finance homework help

In APA format, consider that you have been hired as a consultant at the company you have been researching. This final report is an in-depth look at the corporate management based on your detailed research completed throughout the semester. This paper is designed as a full report with recommendations that the executive team will use to enhance the existing strategic management. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because the analysis represents the pragmatic application of concepts and tools used in formation of corporate-level global strategic planning. I am attaching the rough draft.

Main Elements

Your analysis should include, at a minimum, the following an executive summary, table o contents, and the following eight components:

1.MNE Overview and Key Strategic Background

1.1.Characterize the chosen firm (e.g., firm’s scale, strategic business units, scope of products and markets, diversification type, current financial and strategic performance trends (5-year max) with a brief comparison to industry trends, market shares, etc.)

1.2.Describe the current international operations of the firm (e.g., geographic distribution of operations and their contributions to firm performance)

1.3.What are the recent strategic initiatives (and their motivations) of the firm?

1.4.Briefly analyze the MNE’s domestic and international rivals (a representative top challenger for each is fine)

2.Strategy Tripod Part One: Industry Conditions (Opportunities and Threats)

2.1.What are the top five foreign markets for the MNE’s industry?

2.2.Compare and contrast the five forces affecting the MNE’s industry. Note critical factors to each and critical differences in the MNE’s domestic and foreign markets.

2.3.Which functions in the industry value chain are key to competitiveness for your MNE? How well do they address the industry’s key success factors and key drivers of change?

2.4.Assess the strategic fit of the MNE’s generic competitive strategy with industry conditions.

3.Strategy Tripod Part Two: Internal Resources and Capabilities (Strengths and Weaknesses)

3.1.Analyze the value, rarity, imitability, and organizational (VRIO) aspects of the firm’s core resources and capabilities within its value chain functions. Do any competencies reach the “core” or “distinctive” level over rivals?

3.2.How well do these capabilities and resources support the MNE’s generic strategy choice?

3.3.What resources and capabilities should the firm augment or develop to improve its future global competitiveness?

3.4.Should the firm acquire, outsource, or build these resources internally?

4.Strategy Tripod Part Three: Institutional and Cultural Conditions

4.1.How are formal and informal institutions setting the “rules of the game” for the MNE’s direct and indirect international operations?

4.2.Using Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture, how will the MNE’s domestic cultural norms compare to those of its foreign partners or subsidiaries?

4.3.Which is currently a greater concern—cultural or institutional distance?

4.4.What are your recommendations for the firm’s future IBS to leverage its exposure to these various “rules of the game”?

5.Entrepreneurship and Internationalizing the Firm

5.1.How effectively has the firm managed the five “entrepreneurial strategies” in its growth?

5.2.Are there institutional or industry-based conditions affecting entrepreneurship opportunities?

6.Internationalization: Where, When, Why, and How

6.1.From the institution-based and resource-based views, does the firm possess “overwhelming resources and capabilities to offset its liability of foreignness”?

6.2.How do the firm’s strategic goals align with the location-specific advantages of its global footprint?

6.3.Assess the advantages and disadvantages of management’s entry mode choices and entry timing.

6.4.Which diversification strategies have been used? Have they contributed to performance?

6.5.Has performance benefited from international acquisitions or collaborative strategies?

6.6.What are your recommendations for the MNE to pursue future complementary strategic options?

7.Internationalization: Strategy, Structure, and Learning

7.1.Which of the four strategy/structure configurations is used?

7.2.Considering the three legs of the strategy tripod, evaluate the “strategic fit” of the MNE’s strategy/structure configuration to its IBS goals.

7.3.Does this approach offer any innovation or learning advantages over the approaches of the MNE’s top rivals?

7.4.Has the firm internalized any knowledge management or learning capabilities that maybe leveraged between developed and emerging economies?

8.Strategizing Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

8.1.Has the MNE developed firm-specific capabilities to differentiate on corporate governance dimensions?

8.2.From the stakeholder-based view, what is a CSR initiative that will directly impact the competitiveness of the MNE?

The research proposal should present a concise and rigorous case for studying your proposed firm in light of global strategic management. It should consider the following:

  • Corporate overview (basic description of MNE, its operations, market position, leadership, etc.)
  • Financial performance overview (briefly review revenues, net income, profit ratios, balance sheet, equity trends)
  • Business segments (divisions or SBUs [strategic business units] with performance contributions)
  • Subsidiary/parent-child structure (corporate hierarchy with performance contributions)
  • Geographic segmentation (current with performance contribution)
  • Recent strategic initiatives/stated strategic objective
  • Important negative events or challenges
  • Domestic/foreign industry summary (includes industry name and the primary and secondary NAICS and SIC codes)
  • Brief key competitors overview (minimum two domestic and two foreign, using salient aspects listed above)
  • Reason for your interest in the MNE

Final Project Report: Final Global Strategic Analysis

In 10-2, you will submit your final global strategic analysis. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Your report should include a cover page, an executive summary (200 to 300 words), a table of contents, a discussion of all eight components described in the Main Elements section above, references (APA format), and appendices (financials, larger graphics or illustrations, tables, etc.). The final global strategic analysis report is graded using the Final Product Rubric (below).


Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines: 1.5 spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-appropriate citations. The final global strategic analysis should range between 12 to 20 pages, not including the cover page, financial statements, bibliography, and other resources.

Instructor feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment.

Critical Elements



Needs Improvement

Not Evident


Multinational Enterprise (MNE) Overview & Key Strategic Background

Fully characterizes the chosen MNE’s business, provides a thoughtful and complete analysis of its international operations and strategic goals, and assesses its context in its industry sector, considering domestic and international rivals


Characterizes the chosen MNE’s business, provides a complete analysis of its international operations and strategic goals, and assesses its context in its industry sector, considering domestic and international rivals


Characterizes some aspects of the chosen MNE’s business, provides an adequate analysis of its international operations and strategic goals, and attempts to assess its context in its industry sector, considering domestic and international rivals


Does not adequately characterize of the chosen MNE’s business, provides an inadequate analysis of its international operations and strategic goals, and does not address its context in its industry sector, considering domestic and international rivals



Comprehensive MNE Analysis Using the Strategy Tripod

Provides a clear and comprehensive analysis of the MNE using the three components of the strategy tripod. Explores multiple strategic issues through extensive collection and in-depth analysis of firm and sector evidence to make well-informed conclusions.Cleverly applies course concepts, depicting sustainable competition in an international environment


Provides an acceptable analysis of the MNE using the three components of the strategy tripod. Explores multiple strategic issues through collection and in-depth analysis of firm and sector evidence to make well-informed conclusions. Applies course concepts, depicting sustainable competition advantage in an international environment


Provides an inadequate analysis of the MNE competitiveness using the three components of the strategy tripod. Explores some strategic issues through collection and in analysis of firm and sector evidence to make conclusions. Applies some course concepts, depicting sustainable competition advantage in an international environment


Does not provide an analysis of the MNE competitiveness using the three components of the strategy tripod and/or does not explore strategic issues to provide conclusions



Critical Analysis

of MNE Internationalization

Develops a thoughtful critique of the MNE’s entrepreneurship and internationalization strategies, analyzing its strategies and performance and clearly defining the strategy/structure used


Develops a reasonable critique of the MNE’s entrepreneurship and internationalization strategies, analyzing its strategies and performance and clearly defining the strategy/structure used


Develops an inadequate critique of the MNE’s entrepreneurship and internationalization strategies and provides minimal analysis of its strategies and performance and the strategy/structure used (14-15)

Does not critique the MNE’s entrepreneurship and internationalization strategies or provide an adequate analysis of its strategies and performance or define the strategy/structure used



Strategizing Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Provides a concise, well-thought-out description of the firm-specific capabilities that differentiate the MNE with respect to its corporate governance. Critically assesses one or more corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative(s) from stakeholder and competitiveness perspectives


Describes the firm-specific capabilities that differentiate the MNE with respect to its corporate governance. Assesses a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative from stakeholder and competitiveness perspectives


Describes the firm-specific capabilities that differentiate the MNE with respect to its corporate governance. Attempts to assess a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative from stakeholder and competitiveness perspectives


Does not adequately describe the firm-specific capabilities that differentiate the MNE with respect to its corporate governance and/or does not assess a social responsibility (CSR) initiative(s) from stakeholder and competitiveness perspectives



Competitive Intelligence/ Resource Effectiveness

Highly selective employment of scholarly, primary, and secondary intelligence resources creates superior depth to the MNE strategic analysis


Consistent use of scholarly intelligence and primary data filtered for significant errors, omissions, and bias. Introduces secondary industry and competitor resources to clarify context and reasoning


Some incorporation of resources of limited strategic importance. Overreliance on opinion-based resources, not separated from primary resources by more than one degree of separation from firm (7)

Does not incorporate sufficient scholarly, primary, or secondary resources for analysis



Writing Style,

Mechanics, and Citations

Clearly demonstrates a professional business writing style, with no errors related to organization, grammar, and APA-formatted citations


Demonstrates a professional business writing style, with minor errors related to organization, grammar, and APA-formatted citations


Writing style is not adequately professional and some errors related to organization, grammar, and APA-formatted citations


Writing style is inappropriate for business and/or major errors related to organization, grammar, and APA-formatted citations



Earned Total



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