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Differentiated Instruction Research Paper

During each week of this course, you will research and analyze differentiated instruction and the leadership principles necessary to implement effective professional development for understanding differentiated instruction. Using the attached written assignment as the foundation for your Final Paper, identify an area in need of professional development for differentiated instruction at your worksite.  In a paper that is at least eight pages in length, excluding title and reference pages, research the objectives, assessments, strategies, and implementation of a professional development plan to address this need. Make sure to include leadership principles, choice of differentiated instruction for improvement, and key players involved at your site.  For example, a school site would include parent groups, teachers, teacher leaders, school staff, and students. You should include research in your paper, identifying how these components are grounded in research and best practice.  This paper should include at least eight sources of reference.  The paper should be written in APA format with appropriate reference citations.

I would love for your help on this research paper if you dont mind. If you are unable to do so please let me know where I can post it public. Thank you very much 🙂 

Week 5 Written Assignment.doc 

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