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Ethics Discussion

Exploring the intersection of marketing ethics and competitive advantage.

To begin, access the American Marketing Association’s Statement of Ethics, found in the Webliography listed here. http://www.marketingpower.com/AboutAMA/Pages/Statement%20of%20Ethics.aspx

Pay particular attention to the six Ethical Values in the Statement.

1} Once you are familiar with the AMA’s code of ethics, select a USA firm that you believe either exemplifies the code by practicing superior ethical marketing practices or, conversely, exhibits notably questionable practices. 

2} Describe what activities you believe demonstrate the firm’s ethical practices, or lack thereof, and WHY you believe them to be so. Support your position with both specific examples and sound reasoning. Be sure to consider the stakeholders involved and how they are impacted.

Finally, if you selected a firm with good practices, describe how other firms might emulate them. If you selected a firm with poor practices, discuss how the shortcomings should be improved.

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