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Linear programming model, assignment help

2. A Furniture Company produces chairs and tables from two resources- labor and wood. Thecompany has 125 hours of labor and 45 board-ft. of wood available each day. Demand for chairsis limited to 5 per day. Each chair requires 7 hours of labor and 3.5 board-ft. of wood, whereas atable requires 14 hours of labor and 7 board-ft. of wood. The profit derived from each chair is$325 and from each table, $120. The company wants to determine the number of chairs andtables to produce each day in order to maximize profit. Formulate a linear programming modelfor this problem. a. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem. b. Solve the modelby using graphical analysis. (Do not round the answers) c. How much labor and wood will beunused if the optimal numbers of chairs and tables are produced?

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