Living old

InstructionsWatch the following PBS Frontline documentary, titled “Living Old” (video is 55 minutes in length, so plan ahead for this assignment) The link above should work when you click on it, but if not, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.)Write a 2-page reflection on the video. Address all of the following questions in your reflection:What, if anything, surprised you?What did you find most meaningful, and why?How has this changed your view of growing older, and of the elderly people in your life?Explain Erikson’s theory of Ego Integrity vs. Despair, using examples from the video.How did the readings this week deepen your understanding of the video? (make connections between the readings and the video)Your reflection must cite at least two outside sources (from the unit reading and another source). Frontline offers a supplementary website to accompany the video, providing additional information on this topic. Feel free to use this website as one of your sources. Be sure to include APA-formatted in-text citations within your paper, as well as an APA-formatted reference page at the end of your paper.

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