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For the most part I have enjoyed my journey at Ashford University. The classes I have taken for my criminal justice degree have been great, and I have learned a lot.  I want to comment on the teachers I have had.  I asked a lot of questions, and each teacher has always shown me respect and has helped me succeed. There have been teachers that I thought were difficult but,  I realized they were for a reason, and that was they only wanted us to be our best, What I have learned will help me in whatever career path I choose to go with. I have learned how the criminal justice system works. I learned about equality, and you have the right to be treated fairly, and without discrimination because of your race sex, or even your age. I learned about equality, everyone has their own morals and how the world is supposed to be, and you have the right to be treated fairly, and without discrimination because of your race sex, or even your age. My classmates have been awesome as they taught me plenty, and told me never to give up. Thank you everyone, for your understanding and patience.  I wish you all nothing but the best.

The resources I plan to use in the future include the Federal Bureau of Investigation website for testimonies.  The website has interesting topics on different types of fraud. I will also use The New York Times crime and criminals website.  There is a lot of good information on the current events under the Chronology or Coverage section.  This site also has current statistics on crimes (The New York Times, 2013).

Thank you for your comments.  I’m glad to hear that you are happy with the program.  As the Chair of the program I’m always looking for ways to make it even better.  If you had to pick one thing to change (this could include adding something new) what would it be and why?

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