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The Cost of Worksite Wellness, management homework help

The Cost of Worksite Wellness Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 7.
Percentage of Course Grade: 7%.

The Cost of Worksite Wellness Scoring Guide Grading Rubric






Write a justification letter to a CFO using appropriate language and resources.

Does not write a justification letter to a CFO using appropriate language and resources.

Writes a letter to a CFO, but may not use appropriate language or resources.

Correctly writes justification letter to a CFO using appropriate language and resources.

Writes a justification letter to a CFO using appropriate language and resources, and includes similar case studies.

Analyze work site wellness program behavioral outcomes in relation to cost savings to the organization.

Does not identify behavioral outcomes in relation to cost savings to the organization.

Identifies behavioral outcomes in relation to cost savings to the organization.

Describes at least two behavioral outcomes in relation to cost savings to the organization.

Describes and evaluates at least two behavioral outcomes in relation to cost savings to the organization.

Develop a plan of action to address necessary changes in a work site wellness program to appeal to a CFO.

Does not identify a plan of action to address necessary changes.

Identifies a plan of action to address necessary changes.

Describes at least two plans of action to address necessary changes.

Describes and evaluates at least two plans of action to address necessary changes.

Substantiate thoughts and ideas for a CFO audience based on referenced research.

Does not provide a reference list.

Provides incomplete reference list, or the list is not in APA format.

Provides a partial reference list in APA format, but list may contain errors.

Provides complete reference list in proper APA format.

·  The Cost of Worksite Wellness


    • [img width=”18″ height=”16″ alt=”Website icon” src=”file:///C:/Users/Gail/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.png” v_shapes=”Picture 1″>.

      Consider the following scenario:

      You are the worksite wellness manager of a health care organization in tight economic times. You realize the organization must make budget cuts. The worksite wellness program seems to be a money pit, and the CFO is encouraging the organizational leader to have it dropped.

      Write a one- to two-page professional letter to the CFO justifying the value of your program. Use a bit of creativity. Address the following in your letter:

    • What positive behavior changes due to your worksite wellness program can you show?

    • What cost savings can you show?

    • How might you change the program to produce better financial outcomes?

      Remember, the CFO is finance-oriented, so he or she will want to hear facts that support your justification. Search for articles on this subject to support your statements, and gather statistics that show real dollar-cost savings. Provide complete APA references for your resources.

      Be sure to complete the entire assignment. As with all of your assignments, examine the scoring guide (linked in the Resources) for guidance on earning optimal credit for your work.

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