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Creative of Problem Solving

Read the The Basics of Creative Problem Solving – CPS (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


1. Assume you were planning on holding a creative problem-solving event at your workplace. You are trying to find the solution to a repetitive problem that has negative consequences. What steps would you take and how you conduct the event? What planning is needed? What kind of outcome could you promise to your superiors?

Do some additional research on how to plan and conduct such an event. Prepare a 300-word document with your plans and recommendations.

2. Customers are a valuable extension of the innovation process. Customer needs, wants and expectations drive the innovation process. Therefore, you need customer feedback to determine if your business is meeting these needs, wants, and desires.

How would you capture this feedback? Would interviews, surveys, or focus groups be best – or is there a better approach to collecting the data? It may be just as useful to collect customer data where they tell you what they don’t want, need, or desire.

You may also want to know what criteria customer’s use to judge that product or service. What if you could compare this with what your competition offers? How would that help your innovation efforts?

Title: The Innovation Tools Handbook, Volume 2

Authors: H. James Harrington and Frank Voehl

ISBN-13: 9781498760515

Title: The Innovation Tools Handbook, Volume 3

Authors: H. James Harrington and Frank Voehl

ISBN-13: 9781498760539

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